Science & Religion (6, 7 & 8)
Science (Grades 6, 7 & 8)
Studying Science cultivates the imagination, creativity and the analytical skills needed to be successful problems solvers. Such skills are highly valued in understanding life issues that have multiple constraints, challenges, and variables. Understanding sciences enables good stewardship of the many gifts with which God has graced us.”
In this course, the classroom will be a safe space for students to question and investigate science and technology, carry out observations and experiments to answer scientific inquiry in a safe and responsible manner.
Religion (Grade 7)
In this course, students will continue their Catholic journey through daily lessons from their textbook, weekly attendance of Mass, prayer, and Bible study. In their textbook, We Live Our Faith as Disciples of Jesus, “students learn about Jesus’ life, his teachings, and the sacraments he instituted. It presents Jesus’ call to each person to become his disciple and the ways in which his teachings, his sacraments, and his Church nourish people for discipleship.”
School Year 2024 – 2025
6th grade: 8:10 – 8:50am (Monday, Wednesday – Friday)
7th grade: 8:50am-10:10am (Monday – Friday)
8th grade: 11:30am-12:10pm (Monday – Friday)
Room 122
Teacher Name: Mrs. P. Davis
Phone: 708-352-4820
Preferred method of contact: Email (If phone contact required – please leave a message with the school office.)
Additional Information: Available by telephone conference or scheduled meeting.
Class Description
“Studying Science cultivates the imagination, creativity and the analytical skills needed to be successful problems solvers. Such skills are highly valued in understanding life issues that have multiple constraints, challenges, and variables. Understanding sciences enables good stewardship of the many gifts with which God has graced us.” Science Curriculum
In this course, the classroom will be a safe space for students to question and investigate science and technology, carry out observations and experiments to answer scientific inquiry in a safe and responsible manner.
Science Curriculum Standard and Learning Outcomes
The Archdiocese of Chicago Science Standards are aligned with the State of Illinois Science Standards and Next Generation Science Standards, which are designed to encourage students to promote various science inquiry methods and technology design, while understanding basic principles, and connecting science, technology, and society in historical and contemporary contexts.
Learning outcomes should support State of Illinois Goals:
Student should (State Goal 11): Understand the processes of scientific inquiry and technological design to investigate questions. Student should (State Goal 12): Understand fundamental concepts, principles, and interconnections of the life, physical, and earth and space sciences. Student should (State Goal 13): Understand the relationships among science, technology, and society in historical and contemporary contexts.
Students should be able to explain, illustrate, question, and recall various aspect of science lessons, while applying science understanding to daily and historical science and technology methods.
After successful completion of this course, students should be able to identify questions that can be answered through application of scientific investigations.
Instructional Methods
The course will be taught using multiple instructional methods. These methods will include lecture, group projects, demonstrations, and oral presentations with an associated critical discussion, as well as guest speakers and use of video presentation. Students will be expected to work in large group, small group, and independently. Student will engage in hands-on learning activities and engage in technology exercises to meet STEM outcomes.
If you wish to contact me, please contact me through my school email. If you would like to speak to me, please call the school office and leave a message. (708-352-4820) I will respond to emails and return telephone calls as soon as possible. Please note that I may not be able to return emails and phone calls during the school day while classes are in session. Your patience is greatly appreciated. If it is urgent or you are experiencing an emergency, please indicate this to the office. If you would like to set up a meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time.
I will send class emails through Directory Spot.
School Website: Bi-monthly announcements indicating a summary of our class activities, reminders, and other classroom business will be posted to my classroom page.
Textbooks and other Materials
School Issued
HMH Into Science for grades 6 – 8 (Electronic Platform / Workbooks)
This year, Science and STEM lessons will be presented in an eBook and workbook format.
Explore our science curriculum at
Student should have the following supplies:
*1 inch 3 ring binder
*Spiral Notebook (Will need to be replaced periodically.)
*Folder (Will need to be replaced periodically.)
*Writing instruments (pencils, black and blue ink pens only – no red ink pens)
*Students will be informed of any other miscellaneous materials that may be required for class. This may include crayons, color pencils, loose leaf notebook paper, and other general school supplies.
*Please note – additional materials may be required for projects.
*Students may be required to bring their student issued Chromebook to class. Students will be informed by the teacher.
*Students may require additional materials to complete various projects. Hands-on projects help students communicate their understanding and express their ideas in alternative methods.
Assignments, Assessments, Homework, and other…….
Students will receive grades for class assignments, projects, quizzes, and test. Each marking period, students will have an opportunity to complete an extra credit assignment.
By signing and submitting the Parent-Student Handbook, it is acknowledged that a student work should be their own, completed at the best of their ability.
Homework will be due as indicated. Unless a student has an excused absence, or, is experiencing challenges completing homework – which has been communicated, points will be deducted for late homework.
School Science Fair
As part of their science grade, students are expected to participate in the school science fair, which will be held during the week of Catholic School’s Week. (January 2025). Additionally, 7th and 8th grade students are expected to compete in the science fair, with the intention to move on to the District Science Fair (March 2025).
Students are expected to learn about different fields of science and different types of scientists. Students have been provided a list of 50 scientists to support this process. Students in grades 6th and 7th are expected to research and learn about 8 different scientists per trimester. Students in 8th grade are expected to research 4 different scientists. Additional research for 8th grade students will be considered an early finisher assignment.
Expectations for Classroom Behavior
As indicated in St. Cletus’ mission statement, “we are a Catholic School, whose mission as a community is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus.” One way that this is accomplished is through Catholic formation. All students are welcomed here.
Students are expected to exhibit Christian values by respecting staff, classmates, and themselves.
Students are expected to take accountability for their words and actions.
In our classroom, we will show respect for one another by exhibiting patience and courtesy in our exchanges. Appropriate language and restraint are expected. All staff and students have a right to work and learn in a safe, harassment free environment. Catholic schools are a place where God comes first. Please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook, page 15 and 16 for additional information.
Religion: 7th Grade – Year 1 Confirmation Preparation
Confirmation Preparation
School Year 2024 – 2025
Monday through Friday: 10:50am – 11:30am
Room 120
Teacher Name: Mrs. P. Davis
Phone: 708-352-4820
Preferred method of contact: Email (If phone contact required – please leave a message with the school office.)
Additional Information: Available by telephone conference or scheduled meeting.
Class Description
The religion standards are designed to promote our Catholic identity and faith in the lives of our students with an emphasis on our creed, sacraments, Christian living, scriptures, liturgy, prayer and history of the Catholic Church, parish life and vocations.
In this course, students will continue their Catholic journey through daily lessons from their textbook, weekly attendance of Mass, prayer, and Bible study. In their textbook, We Live Our Faith as Disciples of Jesus, “students learn about Jesus’ life, his teachings, and the sacraments he instituted. It presents Jesus’ call to each person to become his disciple and the ways in which his teachings, his sacraments, and his Church nourish people for discipleship.”
Religion Curriculum Standard and Learning Outcomes
The Archdiocese of Chicago has identified six areas or domains of priority standards for student learning. The Priority Standard Domains are as follow: 1. Sacred Scripture and Tradition 2. Catholic Creed 3. Catholic prayer, Liturgy and Sacramental Life 4. Christian Living 5. Living Discipleship 6. Religious Diversity and Christian Unity.
After successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Illustrate, discuss, recall, and articulate sacred scripture and traditions. Explain and/or illustrate the Catholic creed. Recite and summarize Catholic prayers. Identify and characterize explanation of Christian living. Demonstrate living as Jesus’ disciple.
Instructional Methods
The course will be taught using multiple instructional methods. These methods will include lecture, group projects, oral presentations with an associated critical discussion, as well as guest speakers and use of video presentation. Students will be expected to work in large group, small group, and independently.
If you wish to contact me, please contact me through my school email. If you would like to speak to me, please call the school office and leave a message. (708-352-4820) I will respond to emails and return telephone calls as soon as possible. Please note that I may not be able to return emails and phone calls during the school day while classes are in session. Your patience is greatly appreciated. If it is urgent or you are experiencing an emergency, please indicate this to the office. If you would like to set up a meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time.
I will send class emails through Directory Spot.
School Website: Bi-monthly announcements indicating a summary of our class activities, reminders, and other classroom business will be posted to my classroom page.
Textbooks and other Materials
School Issued
*Textbook. Sadlier, (2016). We Live Our Faith as Disciples of Jesus. New York, NY: Sadlier Inc., ISBN: 978-0-8215-3077-1
*Textbook website: Here you will find chapter review and other resources, as well as test preparation material.
Student should have the following supplies:
*Spiral Notebook (Will need to be replaced periodically.)
*Folder (Will need to be replaced periodically.)
*Writing instruments / No red ink pens
*Students will be informed of any other miscellaneous materials that may be required for class. This may include crayons, color pencils, looseleaf paper, and other general school supplies.
*Please note – additional material may be required for projects.
*Students may be required to bring their student issued Chromebook to class. Students will be informed by the teacher.
*Students may require additional materials to complete various projects. Projects help students communicate their understanding and express their ideas in alternative methods.
Assignments, Assessments, Homework, and other…….
Students will receive grades for class assignments, projects, quizzes, and test. Each marking period, students will have an opportunity to complete an extra credit assignment.
By signing and submitting the Parent-Student Handbook, it is acknowledged that a student work should be their own, completed at the best of their ability.
Homework will be due as indicated. Unless a student has an excused absence, or, is experiencing challenges completing homework – which has been communicated, points will be deducted for late homework.
Expectations for Classroom Behavior
Students are expected to take accountability for their words and actions.
As indicated in St. Cletus’ mission statement, “we are a Catholic School, whose mission as a community is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus.” One way that this is accomplished is through Catholic formation. All students are welcomed here.
Students are expected to exhibit Christian values by respecting staff, classmates, and themselves.
In our classroom, we will show respect for one another by exhibiting patience and courtesy in our exchanges. Appropriate language and restraint are expected. All staff and students have a right to work and learn in a safe, harassment free environment. Catholic schools are a place where God comes first. Please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook, page 15 and 16 for additional information.
School Year 2024 – 2025
6th grade: 8:10 – 8:50am (Monday, Wednesday – Friday)
7th grade: 8:50am-10:10am (Monday – Friday)
8th grade: 11:30am-12:10pm (Monday – Friday)
Room 122
Policy and Expectations
Supplies: Students are expected to have their supplies daily.
Student should have the following supplies:
*1”, 3 ring binder
*Folder (Will need to be replaced periodically.)
*Writing instruments (No RED ink pens please.)
*Students will be informed of any other miscellaneous materials that may be required for class. This may include crayons, color pencils, loose-leaf paper, and other general school supplies.
*Please note – additional material may be required for projects. Students may require additional materials to complete various projects. Projects help students communicate their understanding and express their ideas in alternative methods.
*Students may be required to bring their student issued Chromebook to class. Students will be informed by the teacher. Students are not expected to be actively engaged on their Chromebooks unless instructed by the teacher. Student’s science classroom Chromebook use will be suspended if student engages in inappropriate website searching, viewing; or when he/she utilizes Chromebook when not instructed.
Assignments, Assessments, Homework, and other…….
Students will receive grades for class assignments, projects, quizzes, and test. Each marking period, students will have an opportunity to complete extra credit assignments.
Students are expected to complete their own work, unless otherwise noted.
Early finisher assignments are available for students that complete classwork early.
Each trimester, students must complete ______ scientist research projects. This is not extra credit.
School Science Fair
As part of their science grade, students are expected to participate in the school science fair, which will be held during the week of Catholic School’s Week. (January 2025). Additionally, 7th and 8th grade students are expected to compete in the science fair, with the intention to move on to the District Science Fair (March 2025).
Students are expected to learn about different fields of science and different types of scientists. Students have been provided a list of 50 different type of scientists to support this process.
Students in grades 6th and 7th are expected to research and learn about 8 different scientists per trimester. Students in 8th grade are expected to research and learn about 4 per trimester. Additional research for 8th grade students will be considered an early finisher assignment.
By signing and submitting the Parent-Student Handbook, it is acknowledged that a student work should be their own, completed at the best of their ability.
Homework will be due as indicated. Unless a student has an excused absence, or, is experiencing challenges completing homework – which has been communicated, points will be deducted for late homework.
Students are expected to participate in all classroom activities and exercises.
Parent signatures are required on all quizzes and test. Extra credit will be given for parent signature.
Expectations for Classroom Behavior
All staff and students have a right to work and learn in a safe, harassment free environment.
Students are expected to take accountability for their words and actions.
As indicated in St. Cletus’ mission statement, “we are a Catholic School, whose mission as a community is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus.” One way that this is accomplished is through Catholic formation. All students are welcomed here.
Students are expected to exhibit Christian values by respecting staff, classmates, and themselves.
In our classroom, we will show respect for one another by exhibiting patience and courtesy in our exchanges. Appropriate language and restraint are expected. Catholic schools are a place where God comes first. Please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook, page 15 and 16 for additional information.
*Please note – these policy and expectations are subject to change.
Confirmation Preparation
School Year 2024 – 2025
Monday through Friday: 10:50am – 11:30am
Room 120
Policy and Expectations
Supplies: Students are expected to have their supplies daily.
Student should have the following supplies:
*Folder (Will need to be replaced periodically.)
*Writing instruments (No RED ink pens please.)
*Students will be informed of any other miscellaneous materials that may be required for class. This may include crayons, color pencils, looseleaf paper, and other general school supplies.
*Please note – additional material may be required for projects. Students may require additional materials to complete various projects. Projects help students communicate their understanding and express their ideas in alternative methods.
*Students may be required to bring their student issued Chromebook to class. Students will be informed by the teacher.
*Students are not expected to be actively engaged on their Chromebooks unless instructed by the teacher. Student’s science classroom Chromebook use will be suspended if student engages in inappropriate website searching, viewing; or when utilizes Chromebook when not instructed.
Assignments, Assessments, Homework, and other…….
Students will receive grades for class assignments, projects, quizzes, and test. Each marking period, students will have an opportunity to complete extra credit assignments.
Early finisher assignments are available for students that complete classwork early.
Each trimester, students must complete ______ Saint’s research projects. This is not extra credit.
By signing and submitting the Parent-Student Handbook, it is acknowledged that a student work should be their own, completed at the best of their ability.
Homework will be due as indicated. Unless a student has an excused absence, or, is experiencing challenges completing homework – which has been communicated, points will be deducted for late homework.
To help students reflect on their spiritual journey, students have been provided with a journal. Each week, students will be required to reflect on either class discussions, Bible study, or text readings. Students are expected to submit Journals on their due dates. Late Journals will not be accepted.
Students are expected to participate in all classroom activities and exercises.
Parent signatures are required on all quizzes and test. Extra credit will be given for parent signature.
Expectations for Classroom Behavior
All staff and students have a right to work and learn in a safe, harassment free environment.
As indicated in St. Cletus’ mission statement, “we are a Catholic School, whose mission as a community is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus.” One way that this is accomplished is through Catholic formation. All students are welcomed here.
Students are expected to exhibit Christian values by respecting staff, classmates, and themselves. Students are expected to take accountability for their words and actions.
In our classroom, we will show respect for one another by exhibiting patience and courtesy in our exchanges. Appropriate language and restraint are expected. Catholic schools are a place where God comes first. Please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook, page 15 and 16 for additional information.
*Please note – these policy and expectations are subject to change.
Electronic Textbooks