Upcoming Events/Mark your calendars:
- Monday, December 16th: Mrs. Fields cookie orders can be picked up in the Morrissey Hall lobby at dismissal time! Yum!
- Friday, December 20: This will be our Christmas Kindergarten performance day! Please mark your calendars and plan to attend! 🙂 Here is the plan: Mass will be at 9:30, prepared by the kindergarten and 8th grade. Immediately following the 9:30 Mass, students will get on the altar to present their songs and poems. The Mass and presentation will go until about 11:00. After this, students will return to school for lunch and then have a birthday party for Baby Jesus beginning at 12:45. Please watch for an email from the rooms moms about our afternoon party! Don’t forget, this is also an early 2pm dismissal day.
Save the date for the 2025 SPRING AUCTION: VEGAS NIGHT: April 5th, 6pm in the Parish Center. ALWAYS such a fun night! Please consider attending!
This Week: Another busy week in kindergarten. The glue, glitter, sequins and stickers were out this week as we completed several art projects. I know the kids are excited to bring those home next week! 🙂
- We were all about gingerbread books this week! We read several versions of the story including Gingerbread Baby, Gingerbread Friends, Gingerbread Boy, Gingerbread Man and Gingerbread Girl. We kept a chart where we listed the characters, setting, problem and solution for each story so we could keep them all straight. We also sorted ourselves according to our favorite stories and had to verbalize WHY those were our favorites. On Thursday and Friday, students rotated through gingerbread centers which included making a gingerbread girl or boy at at the art center, playing a gingerbread baby board game and memory, a gingerbread write the room and playing with delicious smelling gingerbread playdoh (so tempting to try a taste, but we talked about just smelling, not tasting! 🙂 )
- New boom cards were added to SEESAW. Please check them out in your messages!
Next Week:
Language Arts: In Fundations I have introduced:
- T, top, /t/,
- B , bat, /b/
- F, fun, /f/
- M, man, /m/
- N, nut, /n/
- i, itch, /i/
- u, up, /u/
- c, cat, /c/
- o, octopus, /o/
- a, apple /a/
- g, game /g/
- s, snake /s/
- d, dog /d/
- E, Ed, /e/
- R, rat, /r/
- p, pan, /p/
- j, jug, /j/
- l, light /l/
- k, kite /k/
- h, hat, /h/
- w, wind, /w/
- v, van, /v/
- y, yellow, /y/
- x, fox, /x/
- qu, queen, /kw/
- z, zebra, /z/.
I will not introduce anything new next week. When we return from break, we will start to work on UPPERCASE letter formation in Fundations. These lessons move a bit quicker as we’ll be covering about three letters each week. We will continue to dive more into segmenting, blending and READING!
High Frequency words: I have introduced: NO, GO, THE, YES, WE, TO, WILL, DO, A, MY, LIKE, AND, HAVE, HAS, HIS, YOU, AT, IT, IF, IN and color words, RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE, WHITE, PINK, BLACK, BROWN, BY and WENT. I will not introduce any new words next week. I’ll send an updated word wall home in January.
Writing: Interactive writing continues. This is when one student generates a sentence and the rest of the students write along with me on their own individual whiteboards. After this, we transition into “word work” time. We are currently segmenting CVC words on our arms, and then writing them on our whiteboards. Daily journaling also continues! Students are writing one sentence using lowercase letters, finger spaces, correct spelling of word wall words and independent stretching of unfamiliar words.
Reading group: Students will begin to practice decodable texts using the Superkids program readers and also printable decodable fluency passages. Watch for these to come home in book pouches/bags after break.
Math: My goal is to finish modules 7-10 next week which means we’re halfway through the Math curriculum. That’s what I was hoping to accomplish before break, which is also the halfway point of our school year. I think we can do it! 🙂
- Counting to 100 by ones. At home: please practice!
- Counting to 100 by fives. At home: please practice!
- Counting to 100 by tens (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100). At home: please practice!
- Counting forward from a given number.
- Identifying a greater number of objects (within 10).
- Identifying a lesser number of objects (within 10).
- Comparing groups within ten.
We will also continue to practice:
- tallying, graphing and sorting.
Religion: Next week we will be practicing in church quite a few times so we can be ready for our families to join us on Friday at Mass. The kids are working hard! We will also light the third PINK advent candle next week. We will continue to take links off our Advent chain which also contains the story leading up to Jesus’ birth on each link. We will continue to gather around the crib and share kind deeds!