Upcoming Events/Mark your calendars:
- Monday, February 3: Please send in your student’s assigned 100 pieces: 100th day celebration food chart
- Tuesday, February 4: 8am Mass
- Tuesday, February 4: 100th day celebration!
- Wednesday, February 5: Dining for Dollars, McDonald’s in Countryside, 5-7; dine-in and drive-thru!
- Friday, February 7: No school, archdiocesan professional development day
And finally, SAVE THE DATE for the 2025 SPRING AUCTION: VEGAS NIGHT: April 5th, 6pm in the Parish Center. ALWAYS such a fun night! Please consider attending!
Looking Ahead:
Friday, May 9: MOMS, please mark your calendars: Friday, May 9th from 10:30-11:30ish is the kindergarten Mother’s Day Tea! This kindergarten event has been a St. Cletus kindergarten tradition for over 30 years! Your child is going to work really hard to make it a special hour for you by learning new songs, making special art projects, yummy treats and more! You don’t want to miss it. We will send an official save the date in a few weeks, but we want our busy moms to put this one on the calendar now!
What’s Due:
- RSVP for the spring auction!
- Set up your family page for the auction! Information was in your Wednesday envelope. There are lots of incentive prizes if we get everyone to sign up! Thank you for supporting our wonderful school! 🙂
- Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! We can take 1 more volunteer for the party. We’d love to have you join us if your schedule allows! Please note, the party is at 10am. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040D44AEAC23ABFE3-54665466-kindy#/
- If you would like to be a mystery reader and didn’t have a chance to sign-up (the sign-up is full), please just reach out and give me a day that works for you at 2:30! We’d love to have you. Remember, one mystery reader slot per child! Wish we had time for more! 🙂
- If your last name begins with N-Z, it’s your turn to bring in supplemental supplies! Please scroll down to kindergarten to see what we need: https://stcletusschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/School-Supplies-List-2024-2025.pdf
- Summer camps at St. Cletus are coming out now! I wanted to highlight the camp being taught by Mrs. Zontos and Ms. Sonia Sanchez. It runs from June 9th-27th. You can choose 1, 2 or 3 weeks. Camp runs from 9-3pm. It’s for early childhood students only. Mrs. Zontos LOVED running the half day camp last year and received permission to extend the camp to 3pm this year! The flyer went home in the Wednesday envelope. Reach out to Mrs. Zontos with any questions! It would be fun to get a kindergarten (going into 1st!) crew together to attend!
- You can turn in January Pizza Hut book it calendars if you chose to participate in that!
This Week:
- We had a great Catholic School’s Week. I think the kids enjoyed student appreciation day and the red and white games the most!
- I sent home the February Pizza Hut “book it” calendar. This is an optional activity. Read each day, color in the picture, turn it in at the end of the month, and I’ll send your child home with a certificate for a free pizza at Pizza Hut.
Next Week:
I’ll send home valentine’s info next week as soon as we get through the 100th day. One celebration at a time!! 🙂
Language Arts:
- We will continue to practice LAST names.
- We will continue unit 2 in Fundations with I, J, K, L capital letter formation. We will continue blending two and three sounds together.
- We will continue to meet in reading group. We will practice fluency passages, Superkids decodable books and fundations word work practice.
- High Frequency words: I have introduced: NO, GO, THE, YES, WE, TO, WILL, DO, A, MY, LIKE, AND, HAVE, HAS, HIS, YOU, AT, IT, IF, IN and color words, RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE, WHITE, PINK, BLACK, BROWN, BY, WENT and number words ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT and NINE, AM, PLAY, WITH. Next week, I will introduce LOVE and FROM.
- Journaling: We will continue to journal. Students are expected to write 1 topic sentence followed by at least one additional detail sentence.
Read alouds: We’ll be reading books about the 100th day of school!
Math: We will continue modules 11-13 which is all about addition and subtraction. That will be our main focus through the end of February. Next week is also the big 100th day celebration! We will participate in many fun activities to celebrate this special day.
- Counting to 100 by ones. At home: please practice!
- Counting to 100 by tens (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100). At home: please practice!
- Counting to 100 by 5s. At home: please practice!
- Counting to 20 by 2s. At home: please practice!
- Acting out and solving addition problems within 10.
- Acting out and solving subtraction problems within 10.
We will also continue to practice:
- tallying, graphing and sorting!
Religion: We will continue our 5 senses unit with “smelling.” Just like we did a “hearing test” this past week, we will also test our sense of smell next week by guessing what scent we smell in different bottles. We will only be able to use our sense of smell, so it will be tricky but lots of fun!! 🙂