Upcoming Events/Mark your calendars:
Next week is RED RIBBON WEEK! We use this week to focus on how to keep our bodies healthy and safe. Please take a look at the events for the week, also listed below: red ribbon week 24
Monday: Disney Movie Magic! Students show good choices
and wear Disney themed clothing or colors to start our week.
Tuesday: Regular uniform day with crazy socks! Show our
buddies we make good choices and play board games together!
Wednesday: P.J. Day and Read! Bring a comfy blanket and a
good book! Stay Healthy and Happy – read in your comfy pjs!
Thursday: Halloween Costumes! Show good choices and follow
our guidelines for your costume.
Friday: We stay safe, healthy and respectful! Wear regular
school uniform and bring in a red canned food item and show our
respect for our All Saints Mass at 8am.
In addition to Red Ribbon Week activities, we also have:
- Tuesday, October 29: 8am Mass
- Thursday, October 31st: We will have our Halloween classroom party in the morning and then will trunk or treat in the afternoon. The volunteers that signed up to help out can arrive through the office around 10am. In the afternoon, we will participate in the trunk or treat event. We will begin to parade around sometime around 1:45. Mrs. Zontos and I will be walking the kids around. Some of you may be participating by decorating your car and distributing candy. If you’re not doing that, you’re more than welcome to come see us walk around. We exit the kindergarten door and walk along the courtyard sidewalk to 54th and then make our way around the school building. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-e6SDRw7yAM-4QcfEqo7eF2HgMB9zV4d/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102750389033909029220&rtpof=true&sd=true
- Friday, November 1: All Saint’s Day Mass, 8am
What’s Due?
- Check out the boom cards in your SEESAW MESSAGES.
- There’s still time to turn in those taffy apple orders!
- Keep turning in those raffle tickets! Those are due by Wednesday, October 30th.
- I sent home a Halloween sort page earlier in the week. Please feel free to complete that with your child after trick or treating.
This Week:
- We had so much fun doing text to text comparisons of The Little Red Hen, The Little Red Hen Makes Pizza and The Little Green Witch. We compared the story elements (characters, setting, problem and solution), discussing what was the same and what was different. We also sorted ourselves by which story we liked the most. Then we partnered up and each child had to share WHY he/she chose that story. Ask your child about these stories and the similarities and differences. Also ask which was your child’s favorite. We had such a great week of discussing these three different books. The kids did such a great job putting their thoughts into words!
Next Week:
Language Arts: In Fundations I have introduced:
- T, top, /t/,
- B , bat, /b/
- F, fun, /f/
- M, man, /m/
- N, nut, /n/
- i, itch, /i/
- u, up, /u/
- c, cat, /c/
- o, octopus, /o/
- a, apple /a/
- g, game /g/
- s, snake /s/
- d, dog /d/
Next week I will introduce E, Ed, /e/ and , R, rat, /r/. Now that we have some vowels introduced, we are starting to do some two letter blending of sounds: /a/ /t/–> AT! /u/ /g/–> UG!
At home:
High Frequency words: I have introduced: NO, GO, THE, YES, WE, TO, WILL, DO, A, MY, LIKE, AND. Next week, I will introduce our last 2 October words, HAVE, YOU. AT HOME: Please keep the word wall in a safe spot and practice writing these words, look for these words in books, write your child notes using these words, spell a word in the car and have your child say what it is, etc.
Shared writing: We will continue shared writing. Students follow along as we fill in in missing words or letters on chart paper to create a story about each child following this format: My name is___, I am __ years old, I like ___, I do not like ____. We have about 6 students left and then we will move on to something called interactive writing where students will write WITH ME on their own individual whiteboards.
Read alouds: Next week, we will be reading BIG PUMPKIN and ROOM ON THE BROOM and we will complete sequencing activities. When we do read alouds, we focus on characters, setting, problem, solution and also the skill of retelling stories–beginning, middle and end. AT HOME: practice retelling a story from the beginning to the end. Maybe have the grown-up start off with “in the beginning,” have your child continue with the middle and both of you help share the ending together!
We illustrated our “pumpkin patch” song this week. Next week, we will illustrate our Halloween song “the ghost goes boo….” and we will also sequence the poem “5 little pumpkins sitting on the gate.”
Journaling: Journaling continues to focus on:
1.) Drawing pictures with crayons and writing words with pencils. Pictures go on the top, words on the bottom.
2.) Writing one sentence. We are working on using only lowercase letters (writing in all uppercase is a hard habit to break so we start right away with only using lowercase).
3.) We are working on “finger spaces” in between words. We use our pointer fingers (or a “space man”/craft stick for lefties) to create that finger space.
Math: We are more than halfway through our second math workbook, modules 4-6. We are working on:
- Classifying, counting and sorting.
- Adding and subtracting within 5. We are learning new math words: addition, plus sign, subtraction, minus sign and equal to sign. AT HOME: give your child simple addition and subtraction stories. For example: “There are 3 plates at the table. If we add 2 more, how many plates do we have altogether?” “There are 6 cookies on the plate. If I eat 2 of them, how many are left?”
We will also continue to practice:
- Tally marks: We are now representing numbers beyond 20.
- Counting: we will now be counting by 1s up to 50.
- Greater than, less than, equal to; using the correct symbol AND reading it correctly too! “7 is LESS THAN 10.” “9 is GREATER THAN 2,” etc.
- Representing numbers 1-20 on a double ten frame.
Religion: God cares how we feel and asks US to care how others feel too! God gives us our feelings and those feelings matter! Next week, perfect for Halloween week, we will discuss the feeling of being AFRAID.
Science: Next week is all about PUMPKINS!! We will be read fiction and nonfiction text about pumpkins. We will complete a pumpkin exploration book using our class pumpkin. We will make a graph to answer the question, “which face do you want on our pumpkin?” and finally, we will carve our class pumpkin!