Upcoming Events/Mark your calendars:
- Tuesday, October 8: 8am Mass
- Friday, October 11: Early dismissal, 2pm and Little Cardinals Event! Hope you can stop by, even if it’s just for a little bit! A good opportunity to meet some of your child’s friends! 🙂 Don’t forget, you need to RSVP: https://form.jotform.com/242615420670147
- Monday, October 14: No School
What’s Due?
- RSVP by October 7 for the little cardinals event: FSA is sponsoring an Apple cider and popcorn event for early childhood students on October 11 immediately after the 2pm (early) dismissal in the courtyard. How fun!! RSVP here: https://form.jotform.com/242615420670147
- It looks like we’re all set for the Halloween party! Room 99 families ROCK! 🙂 Thanks to Emilo and Mikey’s moms for getting things organized! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040D44AEAC23ABFE3-51687785-halloween#/
This Week:
- We had our final fire drill this week with the fire department present. The kids did great!
- We had picture day on Thursday. The kids all looked adorable. 🙂
Next Week:
Language Arts: In Fundations I have introduced:
- T, top, /t/,
- B , bat, /b/
- F, fun, /f/
- M, man, /m/
- N, nut, /n/
- i, itch, /i/
- u, up, /u/
- c, cat, /c/
- o, octopus, /o/
Next week, I will introduce: A, apple, /a/ and G, games, /g/
Remember, letters are practiced in the following formation: letter name (i), keyword/picture (itch), sound (/i/). See this video so you fully understand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwcWjH9cumc
At home:
High Frequency words: I have introduced: NO, GO, THE, YES, WE, TO, WILL, DO. Next week, I will introduce: A, MY. We are learning how to read and spell these words. AT HOME: Please keep the word wall I sent home last week in a safe place. These are words I want the children to be able to spell and read. At night time, ask your child to point out some of these words in the books you’re reading!
Shared writing: We will continue shared writing. Students follow along as we fill in in missing words or letters on chart paper to create a story about each child following this format: My name is___, I am __ years old, I like ___, I do not like ____.
Read alouds: I told the kids I wish the month of October was a few weeks longer, I have so many books and songs that I can’t wait to share with them! Our read alouds in October will focus on naming the CHARACTERS and SETTING as well as RETELLING, starting with the beginning and sharing the middle and end of the story. AT HOME: Ask your child questions that encourage a conversation about the book. Not, “did you like the story?” but rather, “tell me about your favorite part of the story?” “who was your favorite character and why?”
Math: We will continue our second math workbook, modules 4-6. We will be working on:
- Classifying, counting and sorting.
- We will start adding and taking away within 5.
In addition to this, we will continue to practice:
- Tally marks: We are representing numbers using tally marks for 1-20 and some are working on numbers beyond 20! This skills really helps students see numbers as “tens” and “ones”. At home: using any writing utensil (pencil, marker, chalk, dry erase marker), give your child a number from 1-20 and ask your child to show you tally marks for that number.
- Number formation: All numbers have been introduced (1-9), we will now review the formation for all numbers. Again, explicit letter and number formation practice is SO important and REALLY helps as we get deeper into our math, reading and writing skills. At home: Click HERE for number poems (scroll down to page 34)
- Counting: we will now be counting by 1s up to 30.
- We have started to use the >,<, = signs to compare numbers. Next week, students will complete a dice roll center where they have to write the numbers and insert the correct symbols. The hard part is being able to go back and READ IT correctly: “7 is less than 9” or “5 is equal to 5” etc.
- Representing numbers 1-20 on a ten or double ten frame. We are now focusing on TEEN NUMBERS as well as “one more” and “one less.” Using a ten frame helps with subitizing (recognizing numbers automatically) and also seeing numbers as “tens” and “ones”.
Religion: We will begin our social emotional SECOND STEP program. Second step is our SEL program for students in preschool through junior high. It is designed to reduce impulsive, high-risk, and aggressive behaviors and increase children’s social competence. In kindergarten, each lesson begins with a large picture card and some kind of scenario that sparks a discussion. The kids always love the talking time! We will begin Second step and then this will lead into our next religion unit which is all about feelings–happy, sad, angry, scared. God cares how we feel!
Science: We will begin our fruits and veggies/healthy eating unit; we will be learning about how we keep our bodies healthy–by eating good foods, resting and exercising. We will learn where our food comes from before it gets to the grocery store. We will learn how fruits and veggies grow, discussing above and below ground vegetables.