03OctOctober pictures, MahrBecky MahrK Pictures0 Greater than/less than Counting the room Practicing word wall words Lifting weights! Train time with friends Popcorn game, letter/sound practice Grab and count–1-1 correspondence practice Mapping our word wall words Picture day smiles Happy birthday! Friends helping eachother! Lookin’ good! Farmer’s Market fun! Time to go! Enjoying some apple cider Yum! Yum! Finding seeds Journaing! Journaling: picture first! Smelling, looking at and even tasting some of the tasty fruits and veggies from the market! Rereading our sentences I’m a writer! Halloween books at the listening center! Off to the market! We made a prediction list and checked it when we returned from the market! Describing the fruits and veggies we saw at the market We picked out a good class pumpkin, didn’t we!? Accordion folding Happy birthday! Graphing our apples Apple taste test time! Oh, that one is SOUR! Monthly assessment time! Name writing assessment time! Cutting practice: making apples! Word wall center time practice More Halloween books at the listening center! Reading practice < > = dice roll practice Practicing our pocket chart song together Highlighting word wall words Word wall word practice Counting the room Drawing a healthy meal Picking pumpkins at the pumpkin patch tallying the numbers on the pumpkins Ants in the Pants Dinosaur Snakes and ladders Hi Ho Cherry-o! Jumping Jack Spot It!