Donations (cash, check, money order) can be at any time by contacting the school office or electronically (checking account or credit card) using our Annual Fund page. Here please select School scholarship or School Annual Fund at the drop down menu.
Amazon Smiles
Ordering on Amazon can be profitable to our school. Login to your account on Amazon Smile and select our school as your charity.
Stock Gifts
Gifts of stock or appreciated securities may be made to the school.
Matching Gifts
Some corporations have a matching gifts program that enables donors to double or triple their donations. Please ask your employer and request a matching gifts form to initiate the match.
Planned Gifts to Leave a Legacy
A planned gift is the ultimate way to ensure the continuity and permanence of a St. Cletus School education. Gifts may be made through a simple bequest, life insurance policies, retirement plan assets, trusts and other charitable mechanisms.
Tribute Gifts
St. Cletus families and friends may choose to honor a special person – such as a teacher, student, relative or friend – by making a Memorial Gift or an Honor Gift in his or her name. Tribute gifts may be made in any amount and directed according to the donor’s wishes.
Gifts of Real Estate and Personal Property
Gifts of real estate and personal property such as art, collections and tangible or intellectual property may be another way you can give to the school.