10/8: News from 5th

A BIG Thank You to Mrs. Gorman for being my substitute while I was out sick! I was SO happy to be back at school this week!

Social Studies: We read a book about the ancient civilizations of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec people. We are working on reading more informational texts that go along with our topics from our Social Studies textbook.

Science: This week we talked about the skeletal, muscular, respiratory, and circulatory systems. We discussed what these organ systems do, and identified the different parts. Students should be working on their Cell Model Project. The finished project is due Monday, October 18th. If you or your child have any questions about the project, please let me know.

Grammar: We are continuing to classify more complex sentences. This week we talked about transition words, and how to distinguish between subject and possessive pronouns. During Grammar on Tuesday/Thursday we work toward our iReady goals.

Reading: We finished our first novel, The Night of the Spadefoot Toads, and also read a short story called “Shells.” Next week we will start our next novel, The Sign of the Beaver. The students should be in the process of picking a book for the 1st Trimester Book Report. A sheet went home on Monday that a parent/guardian must sign. The finished Book Reports are due Tuesday, November 16th.

Religion: We are starting to talk about the 7 Sacraments. We are doing an overview and will be discussing them more in-depth in the coming weeks.

A few Reminders: – Please make sure your student brings a water bottle with them everyday to school.  – Students need to be bringing their Chromebooks home every night to charge. We will be using them everyday at school!  – Please remind your child they are to be in uniform everyday. 5th Grade has GYM on Monday/Wednesday. Sweatshirts/sweaters need to be St. Cletus red. If your child needs another uniform, there is the uniform exchange in Morrissey Hall.

Have a WONDERFUL 3-Day Weekend! – Mrs. Witkowski
