12/16 Update

Season’s Greetings,

Thank you all for what has been a productive first half of the school year.  Our students have been busy at work in class and trying to maintain a good balance learning and holiday fun.

Upon completing Unit 10 grammar work across all levels, we have been focusing on writing instruction.  Eighth Grade has been working on the process of writing a formal letter.  This is being done through writing a letter to Fr. Elmer as part of Confirmation preparation.  Seventh Grade is getting close to the end of the History Fair process.  In addition to that, we have been covering the Industrial Revolution and Victorian London in the context of A Christmas Carol as part of Social Studies instruction.  Lastly, Sixth Grade is writing a persuasive essay.  The topic – What is the best Christmas movie?

When I arrived at St. Cletus in 2015, I was impressed by how seriously families took our school’s performance activities like plays, music shows, and special events at masses.  This sentiment was not the same at my previous school, and I felt like the effort that everyone put in to these events really set us apart from the rest.  A special thank you goes out to all of you who have helped maintain this custom, specifically with the Christmas performances this week. With the busyness of the holiday season on top of everyday family life, it’s great to see families make the educational experience a priority.

Merry Christmas to you all, and a very happy and healthy 2023!

“God bless us.  Everyone.”  
