2/3/23 News From Fifth

Hello 5th grade parents and families,

Congratulations on having a 5th grader who has been a student for 1,000 school days since starting kindergarten!

Read on to find out about what we have been up to recently!

Social Studies: Students are learning about regional colonies, and will be moving into pre-civil war history.

Science: Our students did a FANTASTIC job of brainstorming and building their inventions for our invention convention this year. This event, along with our Unit 2 Science Test, concludes our unit on engineering and technology. Coming up, we will be working on Unit 5: Ecosystems! Students will answer the following questions: What is an ecosystem? What makes up a land ecosystem? How do environmental changes affect organisms? How does drought affect plants?

Grammar/Writing: Students took what they learned about sonnets in reading and used this knowledge to create their own sonnets in Language Arts. Another topic we are covering is clauses and subordinate conjunctions.

Reading: We’ve begun reading the short novel, Road to Freedom, with a focus on analysis of visual elements of a story, how characters respond to challenges, what we can learn from descriptive language, point of view, voice, and more. We also discuss new and unique vocabulary from the story.

Religion: We have concluded our study of the 7 Sacraments! We’re excited to begin utilizing the eSchool 3.0 religion lessons prepared by teachers throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago.

Math: Students have added and subtracted fractions with unlike denominators. We continue to practice simplifying fractions and finding equivalent fractions. We are spending some time on fraction subtraction with renaming, which means we are almost done with our fractions units! Next up: decimals!

Other exciting information: Our D.A.R.E program has started and will continue Thursday mornings from 9-10 AM.

Our next PBIS assembly takes place Wednesday, Feb 8, at 2:15pm.

Family Bingo will be taking place Fri, Feb 10, 2023, 6:30pm – 8:00pm.

The entire fifth grade will be getting together for a Valentine’s Day party on Tuesday, Feb 14, at 1:45pm.


It’s a great day to be a Cardinal!

Mrs. Wrodarczyk and Mrs. Witkowski
