4/21/23 News From Fifth

Hello 5th Grade Families!

We hope you all had a Joyous Easter, and restful Spring Break. This week many students were in and out of the classroom due to the Play: Willy Wonka Jr. Those who participated did an AMAZING Job! This week was review for many subjects.

Social Studies: The students will revisit the Constitution and young America.

Reading: Both classes will start novels. Mrs. Witkowski’s group are reading The Phantom Tollbooth, and Mrs. Wrodarczyk’s class will start Julie of the Wolves.

Science: Why does landform change over time? We will be talking about weathering, erosion, and how the Earth’s surface has changed over time.

Math: We have been doing a lot of reviewing with adding/subtracting/multiplying decimals. We will be starting division with decimals in the next week.

ELA: Do you agree or disagree? We will be starting persuasive writing. This includes how to give the reader information in a meaningful way in order to persuade the readers.

Religion: We are reviewing what we have learned so far during Religion this year. We will be taking the Religion Assessment on Wednesday the 26th.

Have a Wonderful Weekend! — Mrs. Witkowski & Mrs. Wrodarczyk

