What an interesting couple of weeks back from Winter Break with the snow and then the freezing temperatures. I’m so happy to see that you were all able to stay warm and safe.
Here’s a look at what is going on the next two weeks in fourth grade:
Tuesday, January 23
- Mass: Students should be dropped off at their regular drop off points and head into the classroom. School doors will open at 7:45 am to allow students time to put away their belongings and head to the church as a class. Students arriving late should head straight to church.
Wednesday, January 24th
- Bottle Buddy and Notecard Due Today
Saunday, January 28th
- Catholic Schools Week Kick Off Mass and Open House
- Join us for Mass at 10:30 to kick off Catholic Schools Week afterwards stick around and visit your child’s class or other rooms to see all the learning they have been doing! St. Cletus students should attend with their families and wear their school uniforms.
- CSW Flyer
Monday, January 29th
- CSW: Sports Jersey Day!
- Our School is SOUPER! Bring a can of soup for the food pantry! Go CARDINALS!
Tuesday, January 30th
- CSW: Our School Is Souper!
- Bring a can of soup for the food pantry!
- Mass: Students should be dropped off at their regular drop off points and head into the classroom. School doors will open at 7:45 am to allow students time to put away their belongings and head to the church as a class. Students arriving late should head straight to church.
Wednesday, January 31st
- CSW: Teacher Appreciation Day!
- Spirit Wear Dress Down Day
Thursday, February 1st
- CSW: Student Appreciation Day: Books, Board Games & Buddies!
- Full Dress Down – Dress comfortably, according to the out of uniform code, to have some fun on the floor. We will be reading and playing with our JK buddies1 No homework day! Milk and cookies for students!
Friday, February 2nd
- CSW: Red & White Day! Red and White Game
- We’ve got spirit, yes we do, we’ve got spirit how ‘bout YOU!? Students in grades 1-8, wear your assigned red or white color along with gym shoes for the red and white volleyball games, which take place throughout the school day – See the schedule from Ms. Pryor. Spirit wear for everyone else! Early childhood students come out and cheer on your buddies!
Math: We have entered into the world of division. These next two weeks students will begin dividing two digit dividends by a single divisor, interpreting remainders, dividing tens, hundreds, thousands, estimate, and divide using a variety of strategies such as partial quotients, repeated subtraction, distributive property, and division with regrouping (traditional method).
Reading: After coming back from break we discussed what a credible source/website is and they have since begun to research their person for their biography.
Spelling/Grammar/Writing: In Grammar we will begin working on diagramming sentences. In Spelling we will be focusing on short vowel sounds and silent consonants in the beginning, middle, and end of the word. Students are wrapping up their research for their bottle buddies and then will begin drafting their biographical pieces using their research.
Science: Students are learning about weather and then will begin working on Earth and Space.
Social Studies: We are learning all about the Midwest Region! Students are studying the states and capitals within that region. Students will also be taking a test to identify the states and capitals within the region. They will be able to retake until they reach 100% mastery. We are learning about the Midwest region, specifically the land and water, natural resources, culture, and landmarks.
Religion: We are familiarizing ourselves with using the bible to look up scritputre as well as meditating on the word. We will begin learning about the Sacraments.
Announcements/ Reminders:
- Please be sure to revisit the dress code for 1-4th grade.
- This winter season we have been going through our towels and tissues quicker than expected, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for your constant support and cooperation!
Mrs. Lupe Varchetta