WOOO! Time is flying by, I cannot believe that we are entering December.
Here’s a look at what is going on the next two weeks in fourth grade:
Monday, December 11th
- D4D: Portillo’s
Tuesday, December 12th
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass: Students should be dropped off at their regular drop off points and head into the classroom. School doors will open at 7:45 am to allow students time to put away their belongings and head to the church as a class. Students arriving late should head straight to church.
Thursday, December 14th
- Christmas Concert Grades 1st-8th @ Church
- Students should arrive by 6:40pm Dress up in Christmas Clothing.
Friday, December 15th
- Ugly Sweater Dress Down Day
Monday, December 18th
- Optional Math Study Session: Our CH. 3 test will be taken on Tuesday, December 19th. There will be an after school study session after school from 3-4pm. It is optional. Pick up will be at 4pm through exit 12.
Tuesday, December 19th
- Mass: Students should be dropped off at their regular drop off points and head into the classroom. School doors will open at 7:45 am to allow students time to put away their belongings and head to the church as a class. Students arriving late should head straight to church.
Friday, December 22th
- 9:30 All School Mass
- 2pm Dismissal- No aftercare
Math: We have wrapped up Ch. 3 in GoMath. There is going to be a test before break on Tuesday, December 19th. We will spend the remaining days leading up to break practicing our multiplication, area and perimeter, and angles through a short PBL unit.
Reading: We are reading and focusing on non fictional text. We will be looking at informational text features. We will also be looking at a few fables and legends.
Spelling/Grammar/Writing: In Grammar we will be working on parsing sentences. Writing, we will be writing a short autobiographical piece on what we like best about ourselves.
Science: Students are learning about nonrenewable and renewable resources along with how to use the three R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle).
Social Studies: We are learning all about the Southeast Region! Students are studying the states and capitals within that region. Students will also be taking a test to identify the states and capitals within the region. They will be able to retake until they reach 100% mastery. We are learning about the Southeast region, specifically the land and water, natural resources, culture, and landmarks.
Religion: We are spending time meditating on the season of Advent through looking at scripture along with other activities.
Please be sure to revisit the dress code for 1-4th grade.
Thank you so much for your constant support and cooperation!
Mrs. Lupe Varchetta