12/13: News from 5th

And the Countdown has begun…

Social Studies: We discussed the early settlements of Jamestown, Plymouth, and Boston. The early colonists were starting to become more independent and wanted more freedom from England.

Science: We are taking a look at the Kingdom of Animalia. It is made up of vertebrates and invertebrates. The organisms have different life cycles and reproduce in different ways.

Grammar: The song ‘You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch’ is full of metaphor. We took a dive through the lyrics and found the examples of simile and metaphor, and of course enjoyed singing as well!

Reading: We finished the novel The Sign of the Beaver, and discussed how the main characters evolved throughout the novel.

Spelling: As a reward for everyone meeting their time goals in iReady, we had no spelling this week!

Religion: We are finishing up our packet on Advent, and will be starting a new chapter after Christmas break.

Reminders: PLEASE bring a bag on Monday to clean out our desks for break. Monday the 20th is dress down for Christmas! I can’t wait to see all your Christmas attire. Wednesday the 22nd is DRESS UP day! Please wear your nicest clothes. Everyone will look amazing in their Christmas Finery!

Have a Wonderful Weekend! – Mrs. Witkowski
