3/14: News from 5th

Happy March! We are not into our 3rd and Final Trimester of the year! I can’t believe we will soon be celebrating the last few days of school! The weeks are flying by as we are working through the units of all our subjects.

Social Studies: We finished the American Revolution, and are now focusing on beginning as a united country of states. This week we talked about the ratification of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Preamble. We will be having a Quiz over the Preamble on April 1st. Each student will decide if they want to show me they know it by writing or by reciting it.

Science: We finished our unit on Fossils and have moved on to the 3 States of Matter.

Grammar: This week we have been working on verb tenses (past, present, future) and reviewing Direct Objects.

Reading: We are about half-way through our novel by Lucy and Steven Hawking. The kids seem to really be enjoying the space adventure book.

Religion: Every Friday we go to the Church for the reading of the Stations of the Cross. During the week we are working on our Stations of the Cross Presentations and Growing with God.

On Wednesday we were able to go with our Pre-School Buddies to the Park! We had so much Fun!

Have a Wonderful Weekend! – Mrs. Witkowski
