4/1: News from 5th

Happy April!

Social Studies: We have finished the Unit on The Beginning of the United States, and will start the next Unit on Westward Expansion next week. The Louisiana Territory will start to form into states, and people are moving south and west in order to find land and opportunities.

Science: This week we talked about mixtures and solutions. The students performed an experiment on ink and how it can be separated with water. Also, we discussed how matter is made of atoms. Elements are made of atoms, and compounds are made of elements.

Grammar: We are finishing up our topic of Direct Objects, and we will be adding Indirect Objects to sentences.

Reading: This week we finished up our novel about George and his group of science-loving friends. It is always sad when a novel you enjoyed ends, but there are more books in the series. I hope some of the students will read those as well!

Religion: We are continuing with our Stations of the Cross Presentation Projects. We will be starting Station 8 slide next week.

Social/Emotional Learning (SEL): Today we completed an activity where every student wrote kinds words anonymously to every other student. I told the students to keep this list of Kind Words handy for whenever they are feeling down or bad about themselves. This will remind them how truly AWESOME and AMAZING each one of them really is to their peers.

Have a Wonderful Weekend! -Mrs. Witkowski
