It has been a busy time for us in 6th grade! We love the Science Lab and the creative activities we get to do. Thank you Jana Svec for All the time you give us!
Social Studies: We have wrapped up most of our Unit on Greece and will move into comparing and contrasting the past three units. We will be doing small group work after we complete our Philosopher Research project.
We are reading a new book in Literature and will be reading this in class. Students are doing chapter summaries as we go along.
Book Reports begin in March! There will be one a month for the rest of the year. Students need to pick their own books to read!
LA continues to focus on many writing elements. We will continue to have this focus as we being a new writing of the Persuasive nature. Look for more information to come.
We continue to focus on accountability and responsibility. Making sure homework is complete is an important part of this focus.
Be sure to complete Friday’s assignment and turn it in on Monday! (No School Friday, March 1st).
Parent teacher conferences are right around the corner. March 14th! Be sure to sign up.
Don’t forget to work on those Auction pages! March first is the deadline to be entered in the raffle drawing. Families that raise over $150 get to have their child SPIN THE WHEEL! They can still be entered after for the Runa thon!
Let’s support this awesome event!
We are doing so well and learning so much! Thank you for your continued support!