December Newsletter

Season’s Greetings,

We’re already reaching the halfway point of the Advent season, and that means we’re beginning our sprint towards Christmas break.  There is still so much for us to do until then!

Eighth grade has finished its unit on O. Henry short stories.  Students were able to identify examples of irony and  O. Henry’s trademark surprise endings.  In addition to that, we are spending a considerable amount of time class working on required writing assignments.  Confirmation Saint Essays are due to me today, 12/3.  The red booklet says it is due on 12/7, but I want them submitted to me today so that I can print them and give them to Mrs. Campbell on Tuesday.  In addition to that, students are working on their letters to to Fr. Elmer for Confirmation.  They’ll most likely have to finish their final hand-written copies at home in the upcoming weeks.  The due date for that is 1/10, but again, I want to give those to Mrs. Campbell before leaving for Christmas break.   Lastly, we’ll be working on the written portion of their science fair projects in Language Arts class.  They’ll be completing their research, and I’ll direct them on APA format.

In seventh grade, we are finishing the novel War Horse.  Next week, we’ll begin the holiday favorite A Christmas Carol.  Having not had the opportunity to teach these novels in quite some time, it is a re-energizing experience for me to be able to teach two of my favorites again.

One issue that continues to present itself, and I believe I shared this with a few of you at parent/teacher conferences, is students not completing work when returning from absence.  It is the expectation of all seventh and eighth grade teachers that students be checking Google Classroom when they are absent to be aware of what they are missing. Some circumstances will dictate work being excused, but we teachers will let students know that.

Two things in regard to school dress code: athletic shoes should be worn only on gym days and out of uniform days.  Some students have been wearing athletic shoes with their school uniforms, and that violates what is clearly stated in the handbook.  Please make sure your child is wearing the proper shoes on the correct days.  Also, while the temperature is unseasonably warm as I compose this, winter weather is to be expected at this time.  Please make sure that your child is coming to school with proper winter gear (coats, hats, gloves).  We take the students outside for recess as long as the temperature is not hazardous, and a coat or jacket is essential and must be worn.  Your cooperation with this is helpful.

Finally, thanks again to those of you who continue to prioritize the health and safety of our students and teachers by making prudent choices outside of school.  To paraphrase Jacob Marley, “Common welfare is our business!”  Keeping each other safe accurately reflects our Catholic identity.

You’re welcome to contact me with any questions.
