F.Y.I (Four Your Information) 8.22-9.8

WOO! WHOOOO! We’ve successfully completed our first week back. We took this week to get into the swing of things. Together as a class we created rules and expectations that will help guide us in being successful learners this school year. Our focus is on being respectful, responsible, and compassionate Cardinals! Our 4th grade class family has spent plenty of time getting to know each other and working together. One of the highlights of this week was our Saving Fred Challenge. Students worked on developing their communication and collaboration skills to save Fred the worm from the sea without touching him or his life preserver. 

Here’s a look at what is going on the next two weeks in fourth grade: 

Tuesday, August 29th

  •  Mass: Students should be dropped off at their regular drop off points and head into the classroom. School doors will open at 7:45 am to allow students time to put away their belongings and head to the church as a class.

Wednesday, August 30th 

  • Welcome Back Mass of the Holy Spirit 9:30

Friday, September 1st

  • Unit 1 Spelling Test

Monday, September 4th

  • No School: Labor Day

Tuesday, September 5th

  •  Mass: Students should be dropped off at their regular drop off points and head into the classroom. School doors will open at 7:45 am to allow students time to put away their belongings and head to the church as a class.

Wednesday, September 6th 

  • Soc. Studies: 5 Themes of Geography Illinois Postcard Due

Thursday, September 7th

  • FIRST DAY OF FALL FEST: Hope to see you all there 🙂 
  • Soc. Studies: Five Themes of Geography Quiz

Friday, September 8th

    • Math: Simple Solutions Quiz
  • Early Dismissal @ 2pm
  • SECOND NIGHT OF FALL FEST: See you there 🙂 

Math: We are diving into our curriculum this week! We start off our year reviewing and practicing place value, addition and subtraction to one million. These two weeks students will be working on recognizing that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. Students will be writing numbers 3 ways (expanded, standard, and word form), as well as, improving their addition and subtraction skills. 

Reading: Students will be learning about the G.A.T.E depth and complexity icons. The Depth and Complexity icons are eleven tools that act as lenses, prompting students to look at a topic in a new way. They are introduced to deepen students’ knowledge and understanding. We will be learning and practicing an icon a day paired with a story, poem, or other piece of writing. 

Spelling/Grammar/Writing: For spelling, we will begin to look at words that contain short vowel sounds. Using their spelling list students will work on sorting their words based on sound, identifying syllable breaks in words with double consonants. We will also use those words in analogies. In Grammar, students will get a refresher on the rules of capitalization and punctuation. As writers the students are developing a “heart map” with ideas for stories. We will then use these to spark their writing when/if they finish another piece. Apart from the “heart maps” students will begin to write narratives. 

Science: Students will begin the science curriculum by exploring and explaining what scientists do. Using inquiry skills, students will describe that science focuses on the natural world only. They will communicate that scientists conduct multiple types of investigations, and recognize that scientific knowledge requires evidence. Students practice being active readers by annotating their text with notes and marks that help with comprehension. 

Social Studies: We begin exploring geography and focusing on the 5 themes of geography (location, movement, place, regions, and human-environment interaction) as we learn about our state and region! We are participating in a postcard exchange with other 4th grade schools across the country. Students will be using the 5 themes to research and develop postcards about Illinois, we will then be sending them out and waiting for other schools to do the same. Our goal is to have received 40 or more postcards. We are very excited about this project and if you as a parent would like to help us, donating Forever stamps would be greatly appreciated. 

Religion/SEL: Students will describe the words and actions of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, present that we are sent out to live as Jesus’ disciples following Mass, and understand the importance of the Liturgy of the Word at the Mass. We will also be focusing on Empathy and Respect. 

Please be sure to revisit the dress code for 1-4th grade. 

Thank you so much for your constant support and cooperation!

P.S Have your child tell their teacher the codeword: notebook

Mrs. Lupe Varchetta
