Friday, May 6th
- Spirit Wear Dress Down
- House Celebration at 2:00pm
- States and Capitals Quiz
- Unit 31 Spelling Test
Friday, May 13th
- Unit 32 Spelling Test
Math: We have begun chapter 7, and we are learning how to add and subtract fractions with common denominators, convert between mixed numbers and fractions greater than one, and how to add and subtract mixed numbers. Following chapter 7, we will begin chapter 10, kicking off our geometry units! Students will learn about lines, rays, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and symmetry!
Reading: We are so excited to be reading our next novel, Hatchet! During this novel study, students will sharpen their summary skills, while continuing to use text evidence to support opinions, arguments, and inferences. We will also be focusing on themes such as man vs. nature, city life vs. country life, and the power of positive thinking. Students will practice annotation skills while reading this exciting story of survival.
Spelling/Grammar/Writing: In spelling unit 31, students objectives include being able to read, spell, and write words with the consonant sounds /sh/ and /zh./ Students will sort these words into words that begin or end with sh, words that include tion, words that end in cion, words that end in sion, and words that end in tient. Spelling unit 32 covers singular and plural possessives, ending in -’s and -s’. Our biographical essays are nearing completion. We are focusing on the grammatical aspects of writing, including using complete sentences, correct capitalization, punctuation, using commas before conjunctions, and using quotation marks and commas when quoting from a text or speaker.
Science: In our week back from spring break, we focused on phases of the moon: what they look like, what causes them, and what they are called. We will continue with our Earth and Space unit by exploring what other planets are in our solar system.
Social Studies: We have begun our last region: the West! Our first states and capitals test in this region will take place on Friday, May 6th.
Religion: before spring break, fourth grade had the opportunity to lead Stations of the Cross for the whole school not once, but twice! We are so proud of our students for their hard work making this a success. As we approach the end of the year, we will be spending time taking a close look at each of the ten commandments.
As the weather warms up, please be sure to revisit the dress code for 3-8th, including expectations for dress-down days. As a reminder, please be sure to send your child dressed for the weather. We will be having outdoor recess as long as the weather permits.
Thank you so much for your constant support and cooperation!
P.S For a house point have your child tell us the code word: sunshine
Mrs. Lupe Varchetta and Mrs. Allison Wrodarczyk (Russell)