Looking Back…
*Christmas continues to be our focus in Preschool. This week we lit our third candle on our Advent Wreath, decorated birthday cakes for Baby Jesus, finished our Christmas surprise, and practiced, practiced, practiced for our Christmas Program. We are so excited to sing for our families!
*We attended the School Mass and enjoyed seeing our Buddies perform in the Guadalupe play. They did such an awesome job!
*We learned all about the letter “Ll” and made light bulbs.
*Our 6th Grade Buddies helped us make reindeer ornaments. Just wait until you see them!
*A lot of time was spent in our centers this week learning how to use our words and be kind to our friends.
*Luke was our Cool Cat of the Week and his Show and Tell was the coolest. Great job, Luke!
Looking Ahead…
Theme: Christmas
Literacy: Mm, Santa hat name games
Math: Christmas counting, number review 0-5
Religion: Happy Birthday, Jesus and completion of our Advent wreaths
Cool Cat of the Week: Resumes January 10, 2022
Tuesday, December 21st-Preschool Christmas Program in Church at 9:30. Please wear dressy clothes.
Weds., Dec. 22nd-9:30 Mass, 1:00 Dismissal. No Aftercare.
Thurs., Dec. 23rd-Tues., Jan. 4th-Christmas Break
Wednesday, Jan. 5th, 2022-Classes Resume
Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About…
*How many Jolly Phonics letter songs can you sing?
*What was your favorite Christmas activity we did in school?
*Explain how we made our reindeer ornaments?
*Who was born on Christmas Day?