Looking Back…
*Penguins, penguins everywhere! This week we learned so much about penguins by reading books and watching some great learning videos. We love Kids Academy videos! We did the Penguins Attention Dance while wearing our penguin hats that we made! We will be sharing these photos on our classroom door next week. Instead of walking around our classroom, we waddled! It’s always a great day to be a cardinal, except for the days when it’s great to be a penguin.
*Our last of the five senses we learned about was our sense of taste. God gave us all a sense of taste and we used that sense for a special black and white penguin treat…Mini Oreos. They were a hit. After all, as the kids said, we don’t want to taste fish like real penguins do 🙂 Learning in a thematic and play-based manner is what Preschool is all about.
*Our learning centers found us counting snowflakes on our ten frames while it was actually snowing! We are super busy counting to 30 as the second half of the year continues. The ABC Animal Zoo was lots of fun…practicing letter recognition and sounds with 26 animals. Of course, the penguin was in the “Pp” compartment. It’s been a while since we played this game and it was amazing to see the growth in our skills.
*Jolly Phonics kept us busy reviewing the letters K, L, M, N and O. We spent a little time taking a sneak peak of upcoming letters by special request. Z and X were so cool! We will be learning the letter Z before you know it. Time is flying by!
*Our Cool Cat of the Week, Michael, shared a great poster with awesome photos that made us all want to take a trip to a warm and sunny place.
Looking Ahead…
Theme: Catholic Schools’ Week
Literacy: Pp, name writing activities, and beginning letter sounds
Math: Numeral 6-10, a new calendar pattern and pattern activities, snowflake shape art, and number tracing
Religion: Lesson 13- I am Happy, making Valentine cards for Veterans and assisted living residents
Cool Cat of the Week: Miles
Mark Your Calendar…
Please click on the link below to view Catholic Schools Week Activities.
Thursday, Feb. 3rd- Pp is for pajamas! Wear your pajamas to celebrate our letter of the week!
Friday, Feb. 11th- NO SCHOOL-Staff Development Day
Monday, Feb. 21st- NO SCHOOL-Presidents’ Day
If you haven’t done so, please send your supplemental supplies if your last name begins with N-Z.
If possible, label any clothing that will be taken off during the day. Many kids are missing clothing that has gone home in the wrong backpacks and our classroom has clothing items that are still unclaimed. Thanks 🙂
PLAYDOH-We LOVE Playdoh and we use it almost daily in our learning centers. Unfortunately, we are almost out! If you are able to donate any, we would greatly appreciate it.
Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About…
*Discuss all the interesting facts you learned about penguins!
*Experiment with some new foods to taste. Tell us about them when you return to school.
*Talk about some fun counting collections you can begin at home. The possibilities are endless! If you have one you’d like to share at school, please let me know and I will schedule time to do that!
*Talk about your 6th Grade buddy. What is great about your buddy and our time together.
Sing a Song…