Looking Back…
*We celebrated our new season-Spring! We took a walk with our Buddies and looked for the signs of this new season. We found flowers, buds on trees and heard lots of birds singing. Our drawings of our favorite “Spring Things” are beautiful! It is only the beginning of our Spring learning.
*Our new letter was “Vv” and we created beautiful vases and flowers with our watercolor paints. Vic’s van was our Jolly Phonics song and story so we pretended to be vans delivering veggies. VROOM, VROOM!!!!
*God gave us many things. This week we thanked God for water and he sure gave us a lot this week:) We loved making rainbows as part of our Religion activity.
*Louis was our Cool Cat this week. We loved his poster and his Spiderman toys. Great job, Louis:)
*On Thursday we discovered two sets of bunny footprints in our classroom and WE WERE EXCITED. Where did this bunny come from and will he be back? I guess we will see. Stay tuned!!!
*Writing numerals has been our Math focus. We started out tracing numerals and now we are writing many on our own. We have really made incredible progress this year. I am so proud of all of the Preschool kiddos!
Looking Ahead…
Theme: Space/Planets
Literacy: Ww, name writing and rhyming words
Math: Sorting by size, writing numerals 0-4, counting to 30
Religion: Lesson 19-God Gives Us Air
Cool Cat of the Week: Morgan
*Please be sure to send your child with a no-spill water bottle every day. It is really important to keep hydrated as we enter the warmer weather. I will fill them throughout the day. When we have to give cups, there are MANY spills. Thanks for your cooperation.
Mark Your Calendar...
Saturday, April 2nd-Spring Auction-Under the Big Top
April 15 through April 24-Easter Break. Classes resume Monday, April 25th.
Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About…
*Our new season is Spring. What are some things you like to do in the Spring? What changes have we noticed outside on our walks and at recess?
*We have sorted by size and color. Discuss things you can sort at home and then sort those things? Ex: Silverware, foods, clothing
*God gave us water. What do we use water for in our lives? Where do we find water?
*Encourage your child to practice writing their name. Use creative ways to practice…shaving cream, pudding, salt, sidewalk chalk.
Sing a Song…