Full Day Preschool-March 6, 2022

Looking Back…
*This week was all about the letter “Tt” so of course we made turtles.  Our Jolly Phonics song was about the tennis match between Tom and Tamico and the tiger in the audience.  Six more letters to go!
*Our 6th Grade Buddies helped us get ready for St. Patrick’s Day by making leprechaun masks.  We had so much fun and are excited to wear these on March 17th!
*During calendar, we introduced a new month and of course this meant a new pattern to learn.  This month’s pattern is the ABC pattern.  The first day of Lent was a special day on our calendar and in our lives.  We went to the all school Mass and received ashes together.  We will continue to learn about Lent during the next 40 days with stories and activities.
*Dr. Seuss was such a hit this week that we will continue his stories (and more activities, too)  next week!  Cat in the Hat was so much fun.  After we read the story we made our own cats.   These stories are the beginning of our rhyming journey in preschool!
*Our Cool Cat this week, Thomas, did a terrific job.  We loved his book about a boy who uses his imagination to build his own school!

Looking Ahead…
Theme:  Rainbows and more Dr. Seuss
Literacy:  Letter Review P, Q, R, S, T and rainbow name writing
Math:  Shape Review, shape patterns, writing numerals 0, 1, 2  and rainbow counting
Religion:  Lesson 16-God Gives Us Animals
Cool Cat of the Week:  Clark

Mark Your Calendar...
Monday, March 7th-End of the second trimester
Wednesday, March 9th-WILD WACKY WEDNESDAY-dress wild and wacky today!
Thursday, March 10th-11:30 Dismissal for ALL-NO LUNCH OR AFTERCARE
12:30-8:00 Parent-Teacher Conferences(in person)
Friday, March 11th-NO SCHOOL
Friday, March 25th-NO SCHOOL-Staff Development Day

Please check your child’s folder daily and remove all papers.  Thank you 🙂

Let’s Give Them Something To Talk About…
*As we begin to learn all about rhyming words, please reinforce this by reading stories with lots of rhyme.  Say a word and ask your child to say a rhyming word.
*We will continue to work on being kind.  Are there any random acts of kindness you can do with your child?
*Keep counting.  The car is one of the best places to practice.
*Take walks and talk about all of the wonderful things that God has given us.

Sing a Song…
(This is a brain break that involves memory and counting that we loved.)
