Full Day Preschool-May 6th, 2022

Looking Back…
*This week was all about MOMS!  We were busy preparing gifts for all of our Moms and reading stories about Moms.  I hope all the Moms enjoyed their gifts.  I wish all of the Preschool Moms a very Happy Mother’s Day 🙂
*God gave us light.  We discussed the moon, stars and sun and completed a prayer book activity together.  We thanked God for another wonderful gift.
*Math centers were all about counting and sorting by size.  Our counting bears returned and we now sort them by two attributes, color and size.  We counted flowers in our ten frames and practiced tracing and writing numerals all by ourselves!
*Alphabet review is in full swing.   We are still singing our Jolly Phonics songs each day.  Some of us are tracing our letters and names and some are writing them on their own.  There has been so much growth in our literacy skills this year.  I am so proud of how far each child has progressed.
*Our first May birthday was celebrated on Monday.  Happy Birthday to Luke and thanks for the yummy cookies.

Looking Ahead…
Theme:  Living Things
Literacy:  Alphabet review, consonant sound centers and writing our names
Math:  A new calendar pattern, writing numbers 0-8 and more flower counting
Religion:  Lesson 22-God Gives Us Flowers

*Next week will be beautiful!  We will be outside EVERY DAY so please dress accordingly.  We have waited a long time for warm, sunny weather and we are so EXCITED:)

Mark Your Calendar:
Thursday, June 2nd-Our last day of school-donuts and bubbles in the courtyard.  There will a regular 3:00 dismissal this day!

Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About…
*Letters, letters, letters-keep practicing at home.  Have fun looking for letters, writing letters and practicing the sounds they make.  Ask you child what letter is at the beginning letter of a word.
*Continue to count objects-one by one.  As your child counts, have them touch each object and say that number.  That is how they  are learning to do it at school.  We call it Touch and Count:)
*What kind of light do you like best?  Who should we thank for the gift of light?

Sing a Song…
MOMS, enjoy this with your child on Mother’s Day!  A little dancing and a little yoga for you 🙂
