Full Day Preschool Newsletter-October 3, 2021

Looking Back…
*Letter “Dd” was our focus last week.  We made dinosaurs and do-a-dot art!  We played the drums in Jolly Phonics.
*Apples were our theme of the week.  We learned about apple orchards and how apples grow.  We talked about our favorite apples and made torn apple art.  This project was lots of fine motor practice.
*Our Math game was Ducks and Dice!  We had so much fun rolling our dice and counting the dots and ducks.  That’s a lot of “Dd” words.
*Getting to know our 6th Grade Buddies has been fun.  This week we played in the courtyard and enjoyed the beautiful fall weather!
*We celebrated our FIRST BIRTHDAY!  Happy Birthday to Fiona and thank you for the yummy cupcakes:)

Looking Ahead…
Our Theme:  Community Helpers
Color of the Week:  Purple
Literacy:  Letter “Ee” and name recognition
Math:  2D Shapes, Counting 1-20 and the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3
Religion:  Lesson 5-I Can Bend and Stretch
Cool Cat of the Week:  Amelia

Thursday, October 7th-School Pictures
Friday, October 8th-Purple Day-wear purple to celebrate our Color of the Week!
Monday, October 11th-NO SCHOOL-Holiday

Please dress for the weather.  We will be outside for recess each day.  We will celebrate Halloween on Friday, Oct. 29th.  If your child does not attend on Friday, let me know if they would like to attend on that Friday for our celebration.
We welcome Mrs. Patty Antikauskas!  She will be working with our class in the morning.  Mrs. Fary will be with us in the afternoon.  How lucky we are to have two great helpers in Preschool this year.

Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About…
*Ask your child to recite the prayer we say before snack and lunch.
*What things can be green and what things are not usually green.
*Count to 30 with our clap and lap AB pattern.
*What words did we learn in Spanish class this week.
*What sound does “Dd” make and what are some words that begin with that letter.

Sing a Song…
Lots of learning is done through song and that’s why we sing all day long!
Each week I will try to link some of our songs for you to sing at home.


