Looking Back…
*Such a busy week we had! Going on a Leaf Hunt was so much fun. We found leaves with letters, numbers, shapes and even our names. On our next hunt we will be looking for real Fall leaves.
*We dot painted elephants and made more elephants with capital E. Learning to crack an egg was part of our Jolly Phonics song this week.
*Our 6th grade buddies visited for a play date and we showed them all of the great learning toys we enjoy. Magnatiles, puzzles and Gears were a hit with the big kids!
*October self-portraits are all done and have been added to our learning portfolios!
*Our Religion lesson was all about the feet that God gave us. We used those feet for some great fall walks around our beautiful school campus.
*Purple Day had to share the excitement of White Sox dress down day. Like Pete the Cat says, “It’s all good.” Go Chicago White Sox!
*We celebrated our Cool Cat of the Week, Amelia! It was also her birthday. Happy Birthday to Amelia and thanks for the yummy treats and the pop-its!
Looking Ahead…
Theme: Pumpkins
Color of the Week: Orange. Perfect timing for pumpkin week!
Literacy: Letter Review Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee and new beginning sound centers
Math: 2D Shapes, Counting 1-20, patterning and counting Halloween goodies
Religion: Lesson 6-I can Walk, Hop, Jump, Run, Climb and Dance
Monday, Oct. 11th-NO SCHOOL-Holiday
Thursday, Oct. 14th-Orange Day-Wear orange to celebrate our color of the week.
Please dress for the weather. We go out to recess every day. Please try to check your child’s folder each night and remove papers from that day. Thank you 🙂
We will be wearing costumes on Friday, October 29th.
Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About…
*What birthdays have we celebrated this year in school?
*What does an author do?
*Sharing our toys at center time is so important. Why?
*Talk about our nap rules.
*Two new friends have joined our class. What are their names?
*Name things that begin with Ee and sing our Jolly Phonics song.
Sing a Song…
Lots of learning is done through song and that’s why we sing all day long.
Each week I will try to link some of our songs for you to sing at home.