Looking Back…
*Nursery Rhyme time kept us busy this week. We learned the Itsy Bitsy Spider and sang and danced to many different versions. We will focus on a different nursery rhyme each week. Early literacy research shows that nursery rhymes are instrumental in mastering pre-reading skills. Please practice reciting and singing nursery rhymes at home.
*We attended the all school All Saints’ Day Mass on Monday and we did an awesome job. Thanks to our 6th Grade Buddies for their guidance. Our Buddies are the best!
*Hat Day was a fun way to learn all about our letter of the week!
*Our Buddies helped us make our first Thanksgiving project. We learned about gratitude and talked about our most thankful things. Our Buddies are among our most thankful things(people)! We will focus on gratitude this month, as well as throughout the year.
*Our Cool Cat of the Week, Evan, did a fantastic job this week.
*Happy Birthday to Thomas and thanks for the yummy cupcakes and goody bags:).
Looking Ahead…
Theme: Dental Health and Thanksgiving
Color of the Week: Brown
Literacy: Ii, name recognition and Thanksgiving alphabet centers
Math: Turkey counting centers, 2D shapes, AB pattern and counting 0-30
Religion: Lesson 8-I Can Hear and Gratitude
Cool Cat of the Week: Fiona
Monday, November 8-Please bring a photo, or drawing, of something or someone you are grateful for. If you want to bring more than one, feel free.
Wednesday, November 10-Dental Health Presentation and Picture Retake Day-More information can be found on the school website.
Thursday, November 11-Brown Day-wear brown to celebrate our color of the week.
CHRISTMAS PROGRAM-Tuesday, December 21st at 9:30
Please check and remove papers from your child’s folder each night. Please continue to practice putting on warm weather clothing. Thanks for your help last week. What a difference I saw this week when we were getting ready to go outside!!!
Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About…
*What does it mean to be grateful? Talk about your most thankful things and the book we read, My Most Thankful Thing. Note to all the Mommies…I highly recommend reading this book at home with your child. Have your kleenex ready!
*Sing our Jolly Phonics songs for letters A-H.
*Discuss the all school Mass experience.
* How did we make our fall trees?
*How do we count our classmates each morning?
Sing a Song…