Full Day Preschool-October 15, 2021

Looking Back…
*Our short week was a busy one.  We reviewed our first five letters that we learned-Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, and Ee with our Jolly Phonics songs and stories and our new alphabet card game.
*Carving our pumpkin was messy and fun.  We took turns exploring the inside of the pumpkin and described how it felt.  Reading pumpkin books all week helped us learn how pumpkins grow.  We have been working hard to distinguish between fiction(make-believe) and informational text.  How exciting that  our pumpkin carving day was also Orange Day!
*We visited the Church with our 6th Grade Buddies and practiced for the first Mass we will be attending on November 1st.  We are excited to join the rest of the big kids in our beautiful Church!
*Fine motor practice was our focus in Centers this week.  We worked with PlayDoh, lacing buttons and learning links.  There has been so much improvement in these skills since we began school.
*Last, we took part in a bus evacuation drill.  Our bus driver taught us that “we” are the most important things to get off of the bus in an emergency!

Looking Ahead…
Theme:  Halloween
Color of the Week:  Rainbow Colors
Literacy:  Ff, name recognition, letter recognition centers and rainbow letter writing
Math:  2D Shapes, counting 1-30, patterning and sorting lots of Halloween goodies
Religion:  A visit to the St. Francis of Assisi Statue
Cool Cat of the Week:  Benjamin

Thursday, Oct. 21st-Rainbow Day-wear all of the rainbow colors
Friday, Oct. 29th-Wear your Halloween costume for our classroom celebration.

Please dress for the weather.  We are still going out each day even as the temperature drops.   We need fresh air and exercise!

Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About…
*What was inside the pumpkin?  How did it feel?
*Talk about our first visit to Church.
*Sing the orange song and talk about things that are usually orange.
*Look at the books in your home.  Which are fiction and which are informational text.
*Find letters in your home.  Say the name and sound of the letter.


