Full Day Preschool-October 22, 2021

Looking Back…
*Rainbow week was fun and bright.  We dressed in rainbow clothes, made beautiful rainbow squares and learned a rainbow song!  Our rainbow squares are decorating our hallway this week.
*6th Grade Buddies assisted us in making mosaic pumpkins for Halloween…using squares of course, our shape of the week!
*Spooky centers were so much fun in Math.  We worked on number recognition 0-10 using our skeletons and crazy eyeballs.  Counting Halloween objects has been such an exciting way to learn.  I wonder what cool counting objects will be coming our way in November and December?
*One of our Fall walks led us to the St. Francis of Assisi statue.  We laid leaves around the statue and talked about all the ways we can help the Earth and animals.  Thank you, Mrs. Patty, for all of the beautiful leaves from the Morton Arboretum.
*Preschool did an AMAZING job on our first official fire drill on Thursday.  I was so proud of them!
*Letter “Ff” was our focus this week.  We learned the Jolly Phonics song and began writing letters on our Smartboard!
*Our Cool Cat of the Week, Benjamin, celebrated his birthday.  Thanks for the yummy Munchkins:)

Looking Ahead…
Theme:  Halloween and a little bit of spiders mixed in
Color of the Week:  Black
Literacy:  Gg, name recognition, Smartboard letter writing
Math:  2D shapes, counting 1-30, Spider counting games and sorting stations
Religion:  Lesson 6-Second half of I can Run, Jump, Hop, Walk, Climb and Dance and another Church Visit with our 6th Grade Buddies
Cool Cat of the Week:  Emme

Red Ribbon Week-Drug Free Looks Like Me Activities(These are school-wide activities)
Monday, Oct. 25th-We will create posters to be hung around the school.
Tuesday, Oct. 26th-Sock it to Drugs!  Wear your crazy socks.
Weds., Oct. 27th-Your choices are the key to your dreams!  Pajama Day today.
Thursday, Oct. 28th-Team up and stay in the game by making good choices!  Wear your favorite sports team’s jersey or St. Cletus shirt.   It is also Black Day in Preschool-you can choose which to wear.
Friday, Oct. 29th-Drugs are Scary!  Wear your Halloween costume.  Please be sure that your child’s costume allows them to use the bathroom easily.  We will celebrate with Halloween activities throughout the day.  We will have a costume parade and view the Haunted Car Yard in the afternoon.  Any children who do not usually attend on Fridays,  are welcome to come celebrate with us.  Please let me know if your child will be here on Friday.

CHRISTMAS PROGRAM-On Tuesday, December 21st, at 9:30 AM, the Preschool classes and Junior Kindergarten, would like to invite you to our program in the Church.  More details to follow.

Please dress for the weather.  Time to dig out those hats and mittens:)  We are still going out each day even as the temperature drops.  We need the fresh air and exercise!
Please be sure that your child has EXTRA masks in their backpack.  Thank you for helping to keep us all safe and healthy:)

Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About…
*What are the colors of the rainbow?  Can you sing the Rainbow Song?
*Where is the St. Francis of Assisi statue?  Try to visit the statue one day.
*Look around and find squares, circles, triangles and rectangles.
*Discuss our school fire drill.  What are the important rules we must follow?

Sing a Song…
Lots of our learning is done through song and that’s why we sing all day long!  I will try to link some of our favorites each week.
