Full Day Preschool-October 31st, 2021

Looking Back…
*We ended our month with a very busy week!  Red Ribbon week was celebrated with crazy socks, sports jerseys and pajama day!  We talked about keeping our bodies healthy and medicine safety.  All the Preschool kids know that only adults give us medicine!
*Halloween was lots of fun.  We used our spooky cereal for a fun counting project, played games, dressed up in our costumes and visited the Haunted Car Yard.  Thanks to all of the families for decorating your cars and all of those who provided treats and other goodies for our celebration.  Even Pete the Cat joined in by dressing up in his mummy costume!
*We visited Church again to prepare for Mass on Monday.  Our 6th Grade Buddies were a great help in getting us ready for our first Mass and we are excited that they will be sitting with us on Monday!
*Letter “Gg” was our focus letter and we made ghosts and used our Handwriting MatMan to form “Gg” and other letters.
*We constructed AB patterns with our learning links and sorted more Halloween objects.  Making pictures from shapes was a fun center for us this week.
*Emme was our Cool Cat and she did an awesome job.  Our posters are displayed in the classroom all week and we love to be able to see and discuss them each day.

Looking Ahead…
Theme:  Nursery Rhymes
Color of the Week:  White
Literacy:  Hh, name recognition, smartboard letter writing
Math:  Fall counting stations, counting 0-30, numeral writing songs and 2D shapes
Religion:  Lesson 7-Listen to me Talk and Gratitude
Cool Cat of the Week:  Evan

Monday, November 1st-All School Mass at 9:30
Wednesday, November 3rd-“Hh” is for hat.  Wear your favorite hat to school today!
Thursday, November 4th-White Day-wear white to celebrate our color of the week.


We are still going out for recess each day.  Please dress for the weather.  Don’t forget your hats and mittens 🙂
Please practice putting on coats at home.  By the age of 3-4, your child should be attempting to put on their own coat.  Although, they can’t always manage buttons and zippers, we encourage them to try on their own.  They are SO PROUD when they can do it all by themselves.  We are trying to encourage their independence!

Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About…
*Talk about all the costumes we wore on Halloween.
*Name things that begin with the 7 letters we have learned.
*What prayer do we say before snack and lunch?
*Count food items.  Ask your child what it means to touch and count.
*Talk about all the different ways we can move our body.
*Practice counting in the car.

Sing A Song…


