Looking Back..
*National Teddy Bear was Monday and we celebrated with Mrs. Davis and her class. We all brought our bears and had a picnic together. We went on a Bear Hunt and ate teddy grahams. It was so nice to make new friends that we decided we are going to continue to get together for more fun activities.
*Learning about jellyfish was very interesting. We learned where they live, how they eat, and also about all of the things that they do not have…like bones, eyes, brains and hearts! Since Jj was our letter of the week, we made our own jellyfish!
Jolly Phonics was all about jelly and jam on a plate. We couldn’t stop singing that catchy tune:)
*Our number this week was 10 and we continued to use our ten frames. We have been practicing counting objects using our ten frames for many weeks. This week was turkey and acorn counting. Who knows what will turn up for the Christmas season? We began to count kids present and kids absent and started using the math vocabulary-more and less during our morning meeting. One of our friends told us that the morning meeting was his favorite time of the day!
*Sharing our turkey projects was so much fun. Great job, Preschool families! You were all so creative. We have received many compliments on the little turkeys that are hanging out in our hall. We also finished our handprint turkeys and our turkey paintings for our special Preschool Memory Book!
*Continuing to talk about gratitude and reading all of our thankful books fit well with our Religion theme this week. We thanked God for our eyes and discussed all of the wonderful things we can see with our eyes! When we finished, we played two color match games.
*We ended the week with a Buddies Activity Day and also celebrated our PBIS Winner of the Week. Great job, Teddy, for being a terrific friend.
Hands down highlight of the week…adding our weather word, “snowy,” during our calendar time.
Looking Ahead…
Next week we are only attending for two days. We will be reviewing letters and numbers learned during the first trimester. Also, we will continue to focus on all the gifts God has given us. Our week will end with a Thanksgiving Prayer Service!
Mark Your Calendar…
Tuesday, November 22-9:30 Thanksgiving Prayer Service. No 8:00 Mass today.
Parent Teacher Conferences
November 23-25 NO SCHOOL-Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Classes resume Monday, November 28.
Sing a Song…