Looking Back…
*Letter “Ff” week was fantastic! We created little Frankensteins from the letter of the week, read Crankenstein and Frankencrayon, and our Jolly Phonics song was all about going to the beach and watching the fish deflate. We loved the sound the fish made as he deflated. Strangely enough-our classroom pumpkin inflatable also deflated and made the same “Ff” sound. Fun times 🙂
*The LaGrange Fire Department visited and taught us all about fire safety. We learned all about Stop, Drop and Roll and we all received our own fire hats and coloring books. Thank you to our firefighters for sharing your day with us and for all you do. We will be sure to remember all you taught us…especially during our Community Helpers week.
*Playing with our 5th grade Buddies was so much fun. We thanked God for a beautiful Fall day and were able to do all of the activities we learned about in our Religion lesson this week…running, jumping, climbing, dancing, skipping and dancing.
*This week we learned all about the number six and counted all things Halloween. We used our big black pumpkin and scooped out our numbers during centers. We are counting every day, all day long. Please be sure to keep counting at home!
*Congratulations to our PBIS winner, Finley, on a fabulous week. Keep up the good work being respectful, responsible and compassionate!
Looking Ahead…
Theme: Halloween/Red Ribbon Week
Literacy: Gg, name puzzles and lots more Halloween letter centers
Math: Numbers 0-7, Halloween shape games, sorting Halloween shapes, and counting to 20
Religion-Lesson 7-Listen to me Talk
Color of the week: Thursday, October 27th we will be wearing RED for Red Ribbon Week. We will continue our color days next week.
BRRRR, it’s getting cold. Please be sure to dress for the weather as we will continue to go outdoors for recess.
HALLOWEEN PARTY-Monday, Oct. 31, is our class party. Please wear a costume and bring treats for 9 kids. All kids are welcome -even those who do not attend on Mondays. A Directory Spot email was sent this week. If you did not receive this email, please let me know. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you, Mrs. Coklas, for offering to be our FSA class representative. We appreciate all your help in planning our class celebrations. Please email or text Mrs. Coklas if you are willing to donate or help in any way. We are super excited and counting down the days to Halloween during our calendar time.
Mark Your Calendar…
Monday, Oct. 24-Wear crazy socks for Red Ribbon Week. There will be ribbon prize drawings.
Tuesday, Oct. 25-8:00 Mass-please be in the classroom at 7:50.
Red Ribbon sidewalk chalk contest. Please bring a RED canned/boxed food item.
Wednesday, Oct. 26-Red Ribbon Pajama and Buddies Day-Wear your pajamas.
Thursday, Oct. 27-Wear red for our “Red Out” Day
Friday, Oct. 28-Wear your favorite sportswear to show your healthy side.
Monday, Oct. 31st-Halloween Party
Sing a Song…