JK Newsletter May 21st


Another busy week in JK! We planted those beautiful pots of flowers outside our classroom with Mrs. Delaney, we love when she plants with us!

We also had a great week learning about All Things Space!
Fun things to ask your child?
Is the Sun a Planet?
How many planets are in the solar system?
Ask them to sing you the Space ship song? Climb aboard the spaceship, were going to the moon…..
Religion: We will be reading  bible stories this week, admiring Mary and talking about the Rosary. Feel free to send in flowers for our Blessed Mother statue in our room. We will also be going to Mass on Tuesday at 8am.
Literacy: Your children are growing in so many ways, but especially in their ability to to recognize our POPcorn words.  We have been adding more each day and WOW.. they are so proud!! 

Math: We will continue our work with numbers, graphing, tallies and dice!

June 2nd at 3pm  is the last day of JK! We will be having a Bubbles and Donut party in the morning with the other preschool rooms.  I will be asking for a few items for this, a note should be coming out next week. 

Enjoy the many pictures below, and have a great weekend!!!

The JK Team
