I hope your Lenten journey has been meaningful so far. Eighth Grade is busily preparing for its presentation of the Living Stations next Thursday afternoon, and we are just a few short weeks away from the Confirmation ceremony. There are still just a few students who have not submitted data sheets, completed red booklets, and letters to Fr. Elmer. Those are really long past due and need to be submitted promptly. I have extra data sheets if needed.
We are also a little less than five weeks away from the Springfield Trip. Please refer to the e-mail that was sent home yesterday regarding payments that still need to be made.
In addition to the Chicago Metro History Fair that several of our Seventh Grade students will be competing in, we have been learning about American government in preparation for the US Constitution Test that students are required to take and pass. The test will be administered in the next few weeks.
As always, let me know if you have any questions.
“I shall work and pull at it as long as God gives me life.” – Venerable Augustus Tolton