A blessed weekend is ahead for our Eighth Grade students as they will be making the Sacrament of Confirmation. Students have been preparing for this event for some time, and they will have the support of the entire parish community behind them. It will be a special day for our students and their families. Earlier that day, our Seventh Grade students who have advanced in the Chicago Metro History Fair at the Chicago History Museum.
As part of Confirmation preparation, Literature class, and Social Studies class, Eighth Grade students watched A Man for All Seasons, the drama about Saint Thomas More and his defense of the Church during the Protestant Reformation. We are now transitioning into reading the To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. In Social Studies, we have been covering the Suffragette Movement in honor of March being Women’s History Month.
Seventh Grade students recently completed a unit on science fiction in Literature, and we are actively preparing for the upcoming Constitution Test.
The Springfield trip is just a few weeks away, and so is Holy Week. I hope your Lenten journey continues to be a meaningful one.
“The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.” – St. Thomas More