11/10 Update



We had a fun and productive field trip to Cantigny Park last week.  The trip was scheduled in conjunction with Veterans’ Day which is recognized on November 11th. Students had plenty of outdoor exercise as they strolled through the grounds and climbed on the tanks.  In addition to that, they were given a tour of the First Division Museum.  I hope that students gained a deeper appreciation for the sacrifices made by the men and women who have served.  We have been covering war experiences in both Literature and Social Studies throughout this month.  The trip to Cantigny Park helped bring that material to life.

The end of Trimester One is quickly approaching.  Thank you to those parents who have been checking Powerschool and have reached out to me about missing work. Now is the time for students to submit any missing work.  It will still be accepted, and it is going to be the difference between a respectable grade and a grade that is not wanted.

Parent Teacher Conference sign-ups are available.  The rule of thumb is that parents should prioritize seeing the homeroom teacher.  Seventh Grade parents are welcome to schedule a conference with me too, and I’m sure Eighth Grade parents would like to discuss math with Mrs. Van Wyck.  I’m hopeful that ours will be brief and happy since an overwhelming number of students are doing really good work.

This is the last newsletter what will be published prior to Thanksgiving.  I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving, and I am thankful for all of your continued support and for the opportunity to teach your children.


“What if today, we were just grateful for everything?”  – Charlie Brown

I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.” – Henry David Thoreau

