News from Fifth 9/4

Hello 5th Grade Parents!

Your student has settled in to our classroom schedule. We are full force into our learning and understanding of new concepts/skills. We will also be having our first quizzes and tests in various subjects in the next few weeks.

Language Arts/Writing: We are reviewing the parts of speech. Each student is working on writing a fable. We will be working through the writing process in the coming week.

Science: We continue to learn about how scientists work by using investigations, experiments, and different tools to learn from all the observations and data.

Reading: While continuing to read our novel, Night of the Spadefoot Toads, we are learning more about the types of conflict and focusing on the traits of characters.

Math: We are about half-way through Chapter 1 of our math book. We will be finishing the chapter up by reviewing multiplication and division using the order of operations.

Social Studies: Students will start to study the foundations of our country and the start of our nation.

Religion: We will turn our focus from the Old Testament to the New Testament. We will take a look at the Gospels and study the beginnings of Jesus’ mission.

REMINDER: We will be taking our iReady Diagnostic tests on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (9/13-9/15). Please make sure students have headphones/earbuds (wired only), as they will be needed for the diagnostic. Also, students will be bringing information home about our 1st Trimester Book Report!

Have fun at Fall Fest! – Mrs. Witkowski
