We have been very busy in 6th grade! From reading about restaurants to our Menu project to our Consumer Fair project, we are working to connect all our of our work!
Literature: We have been reading stories about relationships between animals and humans. Student have been assigned a descriptive writing essay to create their own story about an animal and a human. This is the second essay in our series of 5 for the year.
ELA: We finished our 100 Word List and have dove into our Vocabulary Workshop Book. You will start to see this book come home for homework after Thanksgiving. It brings a whole new level to their vocabulary learning!
Social Studies: We have been focusing on taking good notes! We have gone from gathers to hunters to farmers in our learning about early civilization. We are beginning our work into the start of the Empire Age. Notes play an important part in this learning as all of our tests will be open note. We talk about how to take notes and how to pick out the important information.
Science: We are backing up a bit to cover information on the Earth’s Surface. While some of this will be review, we are learning new terms and concepts. Students are taking notes in Science too! We will be starting review packets. Look for these packets to come home for students to study and work from. Students will be responsible for having these packets at each class period.
Consumer Fair is a big part of our second Trimester as well! Students have been working on the basics and there are check points along the way for completion. Testing will begin the week of December 11th. All students will be assigned a testing day and time during that week. There is much planning to do and we are on it! Remember to send in your $5 if you have not done so.
Religion: Students have been studying Saints and the women of the church. The focus will turn to the advent season.
Math: In Math the students have been working on Ratios and proportions. Students have been solving word problems comparing items.