6th Grade News – 9/15/23

We have been busy in 6th Grade!

Grammar :  Our 100 Word list should keep us busy almost every night!   We want to “know” these words to help expand our vocabulary knowledge.  We are also working on grammar elements of a sentence.

Literature:  We are deep into “Journey To the Center of the Earth”!   This story line, with rich vocabulary, has us enthrawled with the descriptive language used to describe this journey!   We take many breaks to decifer what we have just read.  We are getting to the interesting parts!

Science/ Social Studies:  The Earth has been our focus!  We are talking about its rotation and revolution, while also talking about the lines of longitude and latitude.  A special thanks to Jana Svec for making our Friday time rather special as we go into the Science Lab to talk and do Science!

Our ” All About Me ” project turned out so well.  The students were creative and used thier rubric to thier advantage!   Next will come a Narrative paper and an in-class Social Studies project.

Math:  Factors, lowest common denominator and greatest common denominator fill the time of intense learning!

Religion:   We continue to learn the word of the Lord and learn of the New and Old Testament.   SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:   Students will recieve thier Bibles and have a short blessing at the Tuesday 8am Mass on September 19th!   Feel free to attend mass that day ( and any day).

Grand Friends Mass is in just one week!   We will celebrate our Grand Friends at a 1:15 Mass on September 21st!


