Preschool 3 -April 12, 2024

Our first week back from Easter Break was out of this world:)  Although we didn’t view the solar eclipse, we learned all about the sun and the planets.  We read lots of books about the planets and the sun, created solar eclipse hats and counted rocket ships and stars on our ten frames.  Our letter of the week was “Vv” and we used our water color paints to design vases for our learning line…perfect timing for Spring.  It was fun to celebrate our first April birthday.  Thank you to Parker and his family for the delicious cupcakes.  Our week ended with our Laps for Laughs Walkathon.  Even though we have the littlest legs in the school, we sure walked many laps and the have the cool bracelets to prove it.  It was a great way to support our school.  Also, we painted all of our thumbprints to create a beautiful rainbow picture that will be auctioned off at the Cardinal Comedy Night on April 27th.  Next week will be all about the letter “Ww” and Spring and the finish to our Space and Planets Study!  There is still lots of learning and fun coming our way in the next eight weeks!

Mark Your Calendar…
Tuesday, April 16-8:00 Mass. Please arrive by 7:50
Friday, April 26-NO SCHOOL-Staff Development Day
Saturday, April 27-Spring Auction 6-10PM

SAVE THE DATE-Our Spring Auction will take place on April 27th in our Parish Center.  Please visit the link below to start your family fundraising page.
