Preschool 3-April 19, 2024


Spring is here!  We are celebrating this season by reading lots of books about our new weather and experiencing these changes outdoors each day.  Looking for signs of new life all around our school campus has been very exciting…especially finding worms and enjoying the daffodils that are blooming in our courtyard.  We created beautiful flowers in ECLIP and with our 7th Grade Buddies.  We discussed the weather changes during our morning meetings and changed the calendar pattern to match our mixture of rainy and sunny weather.  Our letter focus this week was on “Ww” and we turned our letter into watermelons for our learning line.  Writing our name was our new activity!  We began by tracing our names and are working on our writing grip using dry erase markers, markers and crayons.  A lot of progress has been made and it will be exciting to see where we are when the school year ends.  As we begin Unit Two, Look Around Me, in our Religion lessons, we will be learning about all the wonderful things God has given us.  Our first lesson was all about our families.  We shared lots of stories about our families and drew family portraits.  Next week will be all about Earth Day, the letter “Xx” and more name writing practice.  It’s hard to believe we have only 32 days left!

The weather has been crazy with Spring arriving.  Please be sure to dress for going outdoors each day.

Mark Your Calendar…
Tuesday, April 23-8:00 Mass-Please arrive by 7:50
Friday, April 26-NO SCHOOL-Staff Development Day
Saturday, April 27-Spring Auction 6-10 PM

SAVE THE DATE-Our Spring Auction will take place on April 27th in our Parish Center.  Please visit the link below to start your family fundraising page.
