This week we learned all about ways we can take care of our planet! It was so much fun to go on an Earth Day scavenger hunt with our friends from Mrs. Firestone’s class! God has sure given us many beautiful things to be grateful for on our planet! Grass, leaves, birds, clouds, sun, rocks, trees and many more things were found right in our courtyard! These are all of the things that we have been thanking God for this Preschool year. After, we made our own Earth Day hats. We read many books and talked about it being our responsibility to take care of the Earth. Letter “Xx” was our focus this week and our x-ray craftivities are hanging on our learning line-full of bones:) Thursday was a great day because we were able to have gym time with our Buddies and celebrate another birthday. Thanks, to Olivia and her family, for the delicious cupcakes! Two letters to go, and then we will begin to review the entire alphabet for the remainder of the year. Lots of fun activities will be happening during letter review. Community workers will be our theme next week, as we learn about all of these special people that help us every day!
*Please check your child’s backpack to be sure they have an extra set of clothes, including shoes, as the weather is getting warmer.
Mark Your Calendar…
Friday, April 26-NO SCHOOL-Professional Development Day for Staff
Saturday, April 27th-Cardinal Comedy Night Fundraiser 6-10
Tuesday, April 30th-8:00 Mass-Please arrive by 7:50.
SAVE THE DATE-Our Spring Auction will take place on April 27th in our Parish Center. Please visit the link below to start your family fundraising page.