Welcome to the Preschool 3 Newsletter!
Our first week was so much fun! Even though it was only three days, we were super busy. We read lots of stories about Pete the Cat, learned and practiced our school day routines, made new friends and painted our first set of Preschool handprints! The kiddos did an amazing job all week long. I am so proud of them:)
I would like to thank all of the parents for all of your efforts to get our year off to a great start. I truly enjoyed meeting all of you on Monday and Tuesday. Thank you for all of the supplies, kind words and support. I know it is going to be a GREAT YEAR!
A Few Reminders…
*Please continue to label/separate snack and lunch. It has been helpful for both the kids and the teachers.
*Family Photos-Please send a family photo by Friday, September 1. We will need them for a project the following week. Our theme for the week of September 4th is Families. Thank you.
*Water bottles-Please be sure to send your child each day with a FULL water bottle. We will fill them as needed throughout the day.
*Outdoor Recess will begin next week. Please be sure your child wears gym shoes every day for safety reasons. Please, no Crocs or sandals.
*Two information sheets were included in the Back-to-School packet. If you were unable to complete them, please do so this weekend and return on Monday. Extra copies were put in today’s folder.
*Every Friday, blankets and stuffies will be sent home to be washed. Please return them back on Monday. It would be great if they could be sent back in a reusable tote bag, labeled with your child’s name, so that they are able to pack up after nap on their own and hang them on their hook.(Full day)
Mark Your Calendar…
*Friday, September 1st-Family Photo Due
*Monday, September 4th-NO SCHOOL-Labor Day
*Thursday, September 7th-Sunday, September 10th-Fall Fest
*Friday, September 8th-2:00 Early Dismissal(Full-day students)
*Monday, September 11th-No School
*Thursday, September 21st-Grandfriends’ Mass-More information to follow.
*Friday, September 22nd-NO SCHOOL-Staff Development Day