Our new month began with our letter of the week octopus creation and beautiful sunny weather. We were so thankful to enjoy this great recess weather all week long! It looks like the groundhog may have been right:) Our Jolly Phonics song was all about Oliver turning the light on and off. During ECLIP, we created Oscar Oruga-the caterpillar. Our room and hall is beginning to look a lot like Valentine’s Day with our “Thumb-body Loves You” thumbprint paintings and our “God Loves Me” self-portraits. We read many books about loving each other the way God loves us! During Math centers, we counted big hearts on our ten frames. We are counting objects, 0-10, beginning this month. Please practice this skill at home using lots of fun items! Our new calendar pattern features two shapes-hearts and hexagons. Ask your child if they can remember this AAB pattern. Our daily calendar activities showed us that our month will be busy with 2 more birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Ash Wednesday and a “NO SCHOOL” day. During this time of day, we have also been busy counting all the way to 30! Next week will be all about Valentine’s Day, Pp, and Ash Wednesday!
Mark Your Calendar…
Friday, February 9-Family Bingo-6:00PM
Monday, February 12-Our Class Valentines Party-Please bring cards for 20 students. Please do not address the cards. Treats are optional.
Wednesday, February 14-Ash Wednesday Mass-10:00 AM
Friday, February 16-Son Plus One Dance-6:30 PM
Monday, February 19-NO SCHOOL
SAVE THE DATE-Our Spring Auction will take place on April 27th in our Parish Center. Please visit the link below to start your family fundraising page.