Welcome 2024! Our first week back flew by. We spent time reviewing our PBIS rules and routines this week. I was proud of how all the kiddos adjusted to being back to school. While we reviewed our past letters, we also introduced our new letter of the week-Kk. We created a kicking Kk and reviewed our Cc/Kk Jolly Phonics song. Our frog counters were used for our ten frames this week and we reviewed the numbers 0-6. We went on letter hunts with our dry erase markers! Our Playdoh centers were the highlight of the week and many cool creations were seen. Soon we will be using our Playdoh to form letters and numbers. This is just one of the many activities we have been doing to build our fine motor skills. Next week our theme is snow and it comes right in time. We are also looking forward to sharing our Snowman Family Projects next week.
*If your child’s last name begins with the letter N-Z, please remember to send in your supplemental supplies for the school year. Thank you for those received. If you have any questions about these supplies, please let me know.
*Please send your Family Snowmen Projects anytime next week. This is an optional project.
Mark Your Calendar…
Monday, January 15-NO SCHOOL MLK, Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 16-8:00 Mass-Please arrive at 7:50
Please read the important message below from Principal Porod:
Good News!
It’s official! St. Cletus School will be offering one class of Dual Language Immersion (Spanish and English) in our Pre School 4 year old program next school year. The official announcement from the Archdiocese of Chicago will be coming out in the next week. We want to give our current Pre School 3 year old families the first opportunity to find out more about this program and sign up if you are interested. We will continue to offer our Junior Kindergarten 4 year old class and our Pre School 4 year old Traditional – English only classes as well. St. Cletus School was selected out of more than fifteen schools to offer this program in collaboration with the University of Notre Dame. If you are interested in having your child participate in this class or finding out more information, please do not hesitate to contact our school office and we will get back in contact with you to answer any of your questions. This is an exciting opportunity for our Early Childhood Program. This Dual Language program will be made available to new families entering St. Cletus School by Catholic Schools Open House Sunday on January 28, 2024. Thanks for your continued support for all of our program offerings here a St. Cletus.
God Bless!
Principal Porod