We finished our unit on penguins and arctic animals. After reading the book Penguins Love Colors, we fed our penguins rainbow letters in our literacy center. Our penguin hats were lots of fun to make and wear, especially while we were doing the Penguin March! It was a great day to be a cardinal and a penguin:) Our letter focus was “Qq” and we created a queen’s tiara with lots of beautiful colors and sparkles. Celebrating two more birthdays this week was exciting. Happy Birthday to Audrey and thanks for the yummy Munchins and a Happy Birthday to Frankie and thanks to his family for the delicious cupcakes. It was certainly a “sweet” week in Preschool. This week during our Jolly Phonics we quacked like ducks in a pond. Half of the week we were fortunate to enjoy “summer” weather outside in our courtyard and on our playground. It was a great time to review playground rules and different ways to be kind to one another. What a crazy weather month February has been. Next week begins our third trimester of school. We are looking forward to our unit on weather, community workers, Spring and many more exciting themes/units. Hopefully, weather permitting, we will be bringing some of our learning outdoors and enjoying some trips to the park. March…here we come!
*When getting your child ready in the morning, please check what the weather will be around noon so they will not be too warm/cold for recess.
*Please be sure to come with a FULL water bottle each day…especially with the weather getting warmer.
Mark Your Calendar…
Tuesday, March 5-8:00 Mass-Please arrive at 7:50.
Thursday, March 14-11:00 Dismissal-Parent/Teacher Conferences 12:30-8:00-More information on sign-up to follow.
Friday, March 15-NO SCHOOL
Friday, March 29-April 7-Spring Break. Classes resume Monday, April 8
SAVE THE DATE-Our Spring Auction will take place on April 27th in our Parish Center. Please visit the link below to start your family fundraising page.