This week we learned all about community workers and how they help us! We read lots of books about these special helpers. Our pocket chart activity involved matching the workers with the places that they work. We ended our study with drawings of what we would like to be when we grow up. Our future is SO BRIGHT! Our focus letter this week was “Yy” and our yelling craftivites are hanging on our learning line with all the words we shout in our loud voices. Our new month is here and all of our numbers are written on the shapes we have learned this year. The favorite shapes of the preschool kiddos are the fancy shapes…octagons, rhombuses, trapezoids and pentagons.
We continue to count at our morning meeting and we are all the way to 30! Our morning meeting is one of our favorite parts of the day where lots of learning takes place. On Friday, we celebrated our first May birthday! Thanks, to Johnny and his family, for the yummy cookies and Mickey Mouse snacks:)
Believe it or not…we will focus on the last letter of the alphabet next week. Our theme will be all about our favorite people, MOMS! We will be working on lots of special secret projects.
Mark Your Calendar…
Monday, May 6-May Crowning in Church at 9:30
Tuesday, May 7-8:00 Mass-Please arrive by 7:50
Tuesday, May 21-D4D Wendy’s on 55th in Countryside
Friday, May 24-Early Dismissal 2:00
Monday, May 27-NO SCHOOL Memorial Day