This week…Welcome back to school and Happy New Year! They were happy to get back to their routines, including, “Who’s feeding Brownie?”.
This week we talked about healthy food choices. We read stories and watched a video about healthy food choices and “sometime foods”. The children worked on categorizing and sorting food choices. They were all super excited to show their healthy food items in their lunch boxes! The students made their own “fruit salads” , and most of them lined up for seconds. We conducted a science experiment to demonstrate “how too much salt” is not always good – soaking half of a potato in plain water and another half in salty water. The students observed and discussed how the potato in the salty water appeared wrinkled and the salt absorbed the water; while the potato that was in the plain water appeared the same – and the water was gone. They wanted to know “What happened to the water?”. We also used our potatoes for counting exercises this week. We attended the first PBIS assembly for 2023. Finally, we concluded our week talking about doing good deeds for others, being of service, and how Jesus wants us to help others. We read a story titled “Clifford’s Good Deeds” and watched a video emphasizing how being of service and helping someone does not have to cost money. The students and I visited the classroom of their 7th grade buddies, to be of service. We wiped off the top of their desk and the handles of their lockers. They were so happy.
Looking forward to next week…Over the next few weeks we will be learning about the Lunar New Year and preparing for related activities and lessons, while also preparing for Catholic Schools week.
Have a blessed and safe long weekend.
God Bless, Mrs. Davis