This was a very busy week for our class. The highlights include the following: God and our names – We spent the week talking about how much God loves each of them, and how they are unique, starting with their name. We continue to work on recognizing our name and learning the names of our classmates. To help foster this, I took pictures of the students holding their name and are using them as flashcards. The students love this approach! It helps to make a connection between the name and the person. They also enjoyed taking turns looking in the classroom mirrors and smiling. Although I did not get a picture of this, as it happened doing Religion – it was awesome to watch them smile at themselves, hug themselves, and laugh at their reflection. Another highlight included watching them create their own game. One of the students told the others, “let’s make a convey”, most of them stood up, and started following him in a circle, I asked, “what could break the convey?” – you would not believe the answers. We settled for “lunch”. Spirit Day – On Friday, we joined our school community in celebrating Cardinal Spirit Day. The students were greeted in Art class by the Cheer Team and we made Cardinal crowns. In preparation for next week’s lesson on “What living things need” and, how food goes from the farm to the table, we read a story about apples and watched two videos. Nature walk – we took a nature walk early in the week, we observed insects at work. A very brave student picked up a roly-poly, and we watched, as she smiled happily as it crawled around her hand and arm. Suddenly, there was a hunt for more rollie-pollies. Two other students shared a cicada carcass with us the next day. (I believe that these two events were the highlight of the week for the student.)
In looking forward to next week, we will make apple collages, examine seeds, taste different types of apples, continue to talk, read, and learn about food from the farm to the table, and talk about what living things need. We will also talk about fall and the change of seasons. In a few weeks we will examine insects in Science. Keep working on those collections.
Please note, next Friday is a professional Development day, and there is no school.
God Bless,
Mrs. Davis